Chapter twenty four: All for one day

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Elizabeth's POV

After last night, Charles and I haven't spoken. I figured it was for the best.

He went through a lot as a child and I don't think anyone deserves that. No wonder he is so bitter.

This morning it was the same old rotten wake-up, make breakfast. I had seen his car outside so I assumed he was still asleep.

I, on the other hand, I had a mission of my own today. I was planning on visiting Michael. I needed to know if what Charles had said was true, I've never actually been at his house before, he is always the one coming over.

I was in the kitchen making some breakfast (because I like to make myself useful) when I reserved a call from Erik. He said he wanted to talk to me and it was argent.

I hadn't seen or talked to him in more than a month, I was surprised he still had my number. His voice didn't sound angry like the last time we talked, in fact, he sounded worried. Which made me worried about what he could want to talk to me about. There was something about him that I couldn't quite put my finger on. This wasn't the Erik I knew.

Not so long after Charles walked in, I swear I've never seen him happier. He had this spark in his eyes.

I still felt guilty about stealing his diary but he didn't seem to care about anything.

"What do we have for breakfast?" He said hugging me from behind.

"Red velvet pancakes, Potato and Courgette Frittata and maybe some blueberry cheesecake smoothies."

"Sounds yummy."

He took some plates from the cupboard, for which I was thankful because I couldn't possibly reach that high without at list standing on a chair and breaking my neck.

"So what do you want to do today, maybe buy another puppy that my mom would end up taking. That was the best thing she had ever done you know."

I almost forgot, Charles's mom came here weeks ago and found him playing in the small garden near the parking lot, they became inseparable so one day she came and took him without me noticing, I didn't bother taking him back because I know that would have been a fight I wouldn't have won. Besides, he is much happier there.

"He was much better company than you thank you very much."-I paused- "I would like to spend the day with you but I have to pick up some boxes from Michael's then I have to meet up with someone, besides don't you have work today."

"I'm my own boss, I can take an off day when I feel like."

"Lucky you. Anyway, I better get ready."

I stood up from where I was sitting and I rushed to the bathroom. I knew that if I wanted to make it on time I had to hurry up. I took a five-minute shower, which by the way is one of the shortest showers I've ever taken. I just love showers.

I wore a pair of ripped white jeans with my grey t-shirt and my takkies. I was feeling a little cold so I decided to wear a jacket.

The time I got downstairs Charles was nowhere to be seen. He must have gone for a walk or somewhere.

It wasn't hard to find the house at all using the GPS and the address he e-mailed me.

The house was on the corner of the street, it was painted in white just as he had said. The house was big but not like the one we live in, for a moment I thought I was at the wrong address.

I buzzed on the intercom by the gate, not so long after the gates opened. I parked my car (not really) outside the house near the entrance. Michael was standing by the door already, ready to welcome me in.

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