Chapter thirty-six: 101 with Michael

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Elizabeth's POV

"I brought pizza," He said gesturing to the three boxes in his hand.

I continued to stare at him. He placed the big blue plastic bag onto the ground then gently lifted me away from the doorway, I seemed to have frozen for a moment for some apparent reason. Lately, I've been having a hard time processing things, my brain is just slower than usual. He welcomed himself in along with his plastic bag.

"You look like hell," He said, looking at me from top to bottom.

I didn't comment on any of the remarks he made. I sat down on the couch I had been laying on earlier, I rested my head on the back of the couch and took a deep breath. Something told me Michael wasn't going to be easy to handle.

"I brought a few movies for you-and some beer ." He said in his cheerful Michael tone.

He sat next to me then placed his hand on my shoulder.

"You okay?" He asked. He held this look of contempt in his eyes, I look I had never known he possessed.

"Yeah," I said sitting up straight.

"Look, if you need anything, I'm here for you."

He pulled the plastic bag closer to him and took a few DVDs out.

"You wanna watch 27 dresses while I talk and you pretend to listen."

I nodded my head yes. He got up from his seat the placed the CD into the DVD player and switched on the TV.


Michael spent half the night trying to persuade me into drinking with comments like: "I know you want to" and "It's only a drink." For a moment I considered his offer but as I placed the bottle close to my lips, a rush of nausea flood over me.

Before the movie was halfway. Michael was already drunk and wasted. Dealing with Michael was difficult but dealing with a drank Michael was impossible.

"You are so nice," He said taking another sip of his fifth beer.

"Thank you," I muttered sarcastically.

"It's pathetic," He said between his teeth.

For a moment I was having a mental debate on whether I should kick him out or panch him. For a moment it looked as if the blue in his eyes was gone and was replaced by a cold, dark grey colour.

"Life is unfair, you kind to people and they take advantage of you. It's what got me in this position."

Michael was now sitting on the floor, his perfectly brushed hair was now a mess and his shirt untucked.

"You did do some pretty bad stuff," I said emphasizing each word.

"No, the only crime I committed was falling in love. A love that should have never been. It's the reason I'm the way I am." He took another sip of his beer then leaned his head onto the couch.

Now I could smell the beer in his breathe. Unlike the spontaneous humorous Michael he usually is, this one was different. He looked serious and Michael was never serious about anything.

"It's what happens when you mess with the wrong people. They made sure I paid for it. You know, I was once like you...stupid and in love."

I didn't know whether I should be offended or the appropriate reaction to this. "Just so we clear, I'm not in love," I said in a desperate attempt to sound confident but my voice still ended up sounding a bit shaky.

"Are you sure? I can hear it in your voice and the way you react whenever someone says anything about him,"

I quickly changed the topic with another question.

"What happened to you, Mick?"

"I got framed for something I didn't do, they had enough evidence to set me up along with our families reputation. They controlled my life."

He started staring at the tv screen lost in his thoughts as if he was deciding what to say next.

"In the end, she died." He muttered the last part. I could see the pain in his eyes and hear it in his voice.

This conversion was starting to get emotional, for the both of us and I wasn't anyone's therapist. I tried not to press any more than I should on the subject. I could tell this was something he was not ready to share.


"I'll be on my way out," He said standing up the falling back on the couch.

"You can't drive like this!" I exclaimed.

"No, am taking a Uber. I didn't bring my car," He said rubbing his eyes. At least he still knew what he was doing.

"Anyway, I'm going back to California. I'm going to clear everything up so I can finally get my life back o track. Got tide of being the black sheep of the family."

I gave him a small smile before he pulled me into a hug nearly falling over me.

"If you ever need anything just call me, I won't answer"

I was surely going to miss him, more than anyone.

I walked him downstairs lifting half his weight since he was too drank to walk by himself. I opened the car door for him allowing him to slid into the car. I feared for the driver driving him home. I waved him goodbye as I watched the car drive away.


"I can't believe you still sleeping, it's 10 a.m," Mary yelled.

I lifted my head out of my blankets to see a red face, Mary. She looked a bit frantic and her hair was messy.

"Since when have I ever woke before 10:30," I say lazily. "What's wrong with you?" I asked.

She exhaled deeply calming herself.

"I'm sorry, I fought with Josh." She replied.

"Who's Josh?" I ask with an eyebrow raised with my eyes still trying to adjust to the light.

I know it's been a while since we've talked about anything either than my problems, but whenever it came to things like this I was always the first to know.

"This is why you should pay attention to me," She said the rolled her eyes.

"I do, you just never mentioned it."

She sat down next to me on my bed then took a deep breath.

"He's my boyfriend, ex-boyfriend." She looked down then started playing with her fingers.

"It doesn't matter now, how are you?" She said cheerfully.

"I'm fine, just always tied."

"You honestly need to get out more. Are you sure you not pregnant?"

"No," I say quickly. "I hope not."


A/N: New update will be up tomorrow. Sorry for not updating in awhile

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