The Boss

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The elevator rang for the executive floor and Max stepped out into an airy, white lobby. The elegant space stood in direct contrast to the ill-fitting attire Max had borrowed from the employment agency, and he chided himself for not asking Colin where he might find a proper tailor. After all, if he was going to work at the higher levels, he was going to need better clothing. He thought about asking Helix's assistant, but the CEO's gatekeeper was strangely absent, and the nearby conference room was also vacant. Max stepped closer to Helix's office and ventured a nervous, "Hello?"

An assertive woman crossed the doorway and called out, "Come on in, don't be shy."

Surprised and flattered that the head of the company would invite him in so casually, Max stepped inside.

Dr. Helix was in her early forties, but looked about ten years younger. She had risen to the role of CEO faster than anyone in the history of NeuraLife, though her rapid ascent was no doubt assisted by The Separation policy—a fact Max would take care never to mention. Leaning over her desk, she looked flushed, yet comfortable in loose-fitting, stylish clothes, as if she had just come from a yoga class rather than a board meeting.

"What took you so long?" she asked, without looking up. Max couldn't think how to answer. She tapped a few items on her computer screen, before stepping into the office bathroom behind her-and removing her workout clothes. Her bare back was visible in the mirror as she toweled herself off and drew a loose wraparound dress around her body. Max froze in the middle of the room, as the sudden change from greeting to nudity stunned him into confusion.

"I hope you don't mind," she said over her shoulder, her voice bringing Max back to reality. He forced himself to look away and find a chair. "I've got back-to-back meetings today, and I need to freshen up before my next one."

"Of course," said Max, trying to keep his voice light, but only managing a high squeaky tone. "I understand how busy you are, and I appreciate your taking the time to—"

"Oh shit—is that you, Max?" Helix swept back into the room, tying the dress around her waist. "I'm so sorry, I just sent my assistant out for coffee, and I thought you were her. I wasn't paying attention."

Max's face turned red, certain his career was now over. His first two seconds with his new boss, and he walked in on her changing? Idiot! He stared at the floor, unable to meet her gaze, as he forced himself to speak.

"No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have entered your office like that."

"Nonsense," she laughed, "it was just a misunderstanding. Let's greet each other properly this time."

Before Max could extend his hand, Helix swept him into a tight hug. The welcome was such a contrast to Colin's cold contempt that Max was thrown off guard. He returned the embrace awkwardly and flinched when Helix pressed her warm lips against his cheek—a physical gesture now forbidden between humans and synthetics. Helix seemed oblivious to his discomfort as she pulled back from the hug, keeping her hands on Max's shoulders so she could examine him at arm's length.

"Well, now, aren't you an attractive little Spare?" she commented, looking him up and down. Max's smile tightened upon hearing the derogatory term for his model. This time, Helix noticed his discomfort... and seemed amused by it. "Oh, don't be embarrassed, you are! You're much more pleasing to the eye than common, ol' Colin. Not everyone appreciates how varied your models are, but I do."

Max squirmed involuntarily, still trapped in her hands, under her gaze. "We're the same model, actually."

"Same model; different year," she said, releasing him at last. "Oh, shit, I'm being rude, aren't I?"

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