Chapter 2 - Part 2

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For a few moments I debated my next move before I rose and followed her out of the room.

I was headed to the study. Whatever was going on in there, I needed to know. I tried to walk as quietly as I could so no one would hear me. Besides, they would probably be too busy talking to pay attention.

Slowly I leaned against the door. I could hear Kyle's voice.

"...should we be concerned?" he asked. An edge of worry was in his voice. Most people wouldn't notice but I knew him well and could recognize the telltale signs.

"It's just a precaution." I didn't immediately recognize the deep voice. Maybe it was Harrison.

"I don't trust him." It was Kyle again.

I frowned as I listened more intently.

"I trust him with my life," the voice that sounded like Harrison said. "He will not harm any of you."

Who were they talking about?

"We don't have a choice." It was the resigned voice of Crystal.

Whatever was going on, none of them sounded happy about it.

"It has been commanded," Harrison spoke. "He has been assigned here."

"So what happens now?" Kyle asked.

At the first sound of a footstep, I backed away from the door and hurried back to the kitchen. I sat back down at the table and tried to calm my racing heart. I was annoyed that I hadn't heard more.

I turned my back to the door as I heard multiple footsteps go past.

A few minutes later I left the house. I didn't see any sign of the Keepers. Had they left yet? My mixed emotions tightened my stomach into a knot. I wanted Flynn to go but there was still a part of me that wanted him to stay.

It was dinnertime so I wandered to the cafeteria that the entire pack ate in. It was rowdy as usual and I got my food. As I turned to survey the crowd, I spotted my brother and his mate, Lillian. My eyes rested on Lillian. She had mousy brown hair with light brown eyes. She gave me a friendly smile when she noticed me. My brother acted like a parent so it was difficult to see Lillian in any light other than a parental role. We got along but we weren't close.

I found it difficult to form close friendships with the females in my pack. I don't know if it was because I had grown up as a tomboy more at home with the boys catching frogs and climbing trees than playing with dolls.

It could also be the strained relationship with my parents that had stunted my ability to get close to many people. There were only a few I considered true friends.

"How's your knees?" my brother asked as I sat across from him and put my tray down on the table.

"They're fine." I dismissed his concern and I stopped myself short of rolling my eyes.

Lillian put a hand on my brother's shoulder and his tight features eased. I knew that a touch between mates was calming. It was something I wouldn't experience.

"What are the Keepers doing here?" I asked softly, trying to concentrate on getting the information I wanted from my brother.

My brother's forehead creased, the peace Lillian had given him gone.

"Flynn has been assigned to our territory."

My mouth dropped open as I took in his words. It was impossible to hide my shock.

"Why?" My hand tightened around my fork as I thought about the implications of that.

He shrugged. "Something about the growing number of rogues in the area, which are still a concern to the Keepers. So they've sent Flynn to keep an eye on it and report back."

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