Chapter 3 - Part 2

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I glared at Flynn, willing him to back down. Why was he acting like some jealous mate when we had agreed we didn't want anything to do with it? I turned to face Dean, hoping I would be able to get through to him, at least.

"You're making things worse. I need you to leave." I used my most confident voice, not showing an ounce of the unease I was experiencing.

I swear I could feel Flynn's presence, even though I knew it wasn't possible.

Dean frowned as he looked down at me. "Leaving you here with him goes against my better judgment."

The sound of a footstep behind me pulled my attention back to the angry Keeper who was watching us with growing anger.

"If you don't leave, it will make things worse." My eyes pleaded with his.

He continued to frown and then he gave me a nod. "Fine."

He surveyed Flynn. "I'm only doing it because you asked me to," he said, making eye contact with me again.

I felt relief. "Thank you."

Dean walked to the doorway and I watched as werewolf and Keeper glared at each other before Dean left the room.

"What the hell are you doing?" I directed at Flynn. If he carried on acting like that, it wouldn't take long for people to figure it out.

"What exactly were you doing with him?" he asked, his features guarded.

His question took me by surprise.

"Does it matter?" I threw back, putting my hands on my hips and raising my chin in defiance.

He didn't answer me. Instead his gaze held mine. The silence dragged on without any movement from him.

"You know it's the connection," I said to him. I swept my tongue across my lip to ease the dryness. "Between us."

His jaw tightened slightly, revealing his inner turmoil. He bowed his head briefly like he was fighting the pull to me.

"The only way to be able to ignore it is to keep apart." I couldn't pull my gaze away from the complex face of the man who had been chosen for me to spend my life with. His hypnotic eyes captivated mine.

"The sooner you leave the better," I added, hoping it could propel him to walk away.

It shouldn't hurt, because it wasn't something I wanted, but it did. Terribly. The sooner he left the better for both of us.

For a moment his features eased and we remained quiet.

We were prolonging the inevitable. We stood only a few feet apart but it might as well have been the Grand Canyon. With our attention fixed on each other, I had the urge to reach out and touch him. There were so many reasons not to but I still unconsciously tightened my hands into fists.

Flynn noticed the small action and I felt like he could read my mind when his eyes found mine. The intensity of his gaze made me hold my breath, unable to look away.

"I don't like seeing you with other guys," he admitted to me softly.

I shook my head. I didn't want to hear him say things like that. The tightening in my chest made me rebel against me softening toward him.

He was saying all the right words but it didn't change who he was or what stood between us. He was a Keeper for goodness sake and I couldn't forget that. It wasn't like we could ride off into the sunset and live happily ever after.

We weren't meant to be together. Destiny had been wrong when it had paired us together. Maybe there had been a time when Keeper and werewolves were free to be together but that time wasn't now.

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