Ch.X At the edge of starvation

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"Everything is good in here?" asks Todd.

He just dropped by at the diner for lunch. Ling shakes her head. The diner almost ran out of everything. No dairies products. No veggies. Not even canned foods.

How will they feed townfolks? Too many mouths to feed. And not enough foods.

Hope J.D comes back soon from his trip to Liggin. It's a small farming village south from here. If there's no food there, they have to go further south to Mendocino.

Ling says, "We ran out of everything. Don't know what to do anymore..."

"Don't give up hope yet. Jack and the others would bring back some foods. I just know it."

"But the kids are starving..."

Todd stares around. The kids are crying loudly in the diner. Their moms try their best to cheer them. To no avail. Todd scratches his head.

Farmer Joe might have some foods left in his farm. But he hasn't visited town for several days by now.

Is he sick?

Todd decides to pay him a little visit.

Maybe he is willing to donate some foods for hungry kids?

The old farmer isn't known as a generous fellow. Todd could only hope he is feeling a bit kind today.

Just a short walk, three miles from city hall. His farm is at the edge of town.

There he is. Sitting on his favorite bench, staring to his empty field.

Doesn't he feel cold? It's rather cold today (2 Celcius).

Todd stabs his wooden spear to the ground.

And he calls, "Joe, I'm hoping you could spare us some foods."

No reply. Todd walks closer to him. And he touches his shoulder from behind.

The farmer's body is as cold as ice.

Did he got frozen to death? No...his head moves slightly.

Todd walks to a spot in front of him. Maybe the grumpy farmer got upset. He doesn't want to share his foods.

"God!" exclaims Todd.

The old farmer has risen

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The old farmer has risen. White pupils. Joe has become a Zombie. Todd turns around and starts to flee. The zombie leaps and bites him from behind.

Strangely it doesn't hurt too much. The zombie bites him again. Todd struggles hard and manages to kick him off him. Todd runs quickly to his spear. The zombie kept chasing him. And he has no choice than to stab his head with his spear.

The spear pierces through its rotten head. Farmer Joe a.k.a Zombie has stopped moving at all. He collapses to the icy ground. With his spear stuck to his head like a giant skewer.

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