Cold Nights

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He never thought it would happen - especially to him - he doesn't deserve this. To feel like this. To get this feeling. He didn't deserve to fall in love. He didn't deserve to love this girl like the way he did. She didn't deserve his love, she deserves something much better, much better than him. Well, she didn't deserve a lot of things, he would often think to himself. This girl deserves so much more than being homeless, stuck with him in Las Vegas, away from her family, away from her friends, away from a much better man that him, right here by his side on an old mattress in the sewer tunnels. Sure, he deserves to be homeless. He's an asshole to everyone who crosses his path - even to her... She wasn't an asshole to everyone (she was when she needed to be.) But she wasn't that bothersome, well except for the fact that she had no sense of personal space, that would get on his nerves sometimes (mostly because he gets flustered.) But she was smart and funny as hell, pretty, so mischievous, cheerful, clever, could take most likely anyone in a fight and win. She had that twinkle in her eye and that smile. That smile was either a wicked shit eating grin, a soft twitch of the mouth, a clever smirk, or - his favorite - the one that you could tell was the most genuine, that one showed that she was so happy; even without anything or anyone else's but him.

  Karkat Vantas turned his head in direction of the sleeping girl next to him. Terezi Pyrope was all balled up in a blanket with a scale mate held tightly in her arms, fast asleep. It was cold as fuck down in the sewer tunnels, but it was a place to sleep in the hot summers. It was almost summer, it was only May. They had nowhere else to go except here ever since they sold the car - or "Old Red" is what Terezi called it. Damn, Terezi loved that car. She was so fucking angry when he sold it. But they needed money for food and the money from Old Red would last them a long time. She was probably still mad at him...shit. Did he apologize? He thought he did. Well, she probably won't care because he barely apologizes, to anyone on that matter. Terezi suddenly shivered, this causing Karkat to drape an arm around her figure with the intention of giving warmth. He hasn't told her. She didn't know that he loved her. If Terezi had known, if she had felt the same he'd gladly hold her tight in his grip. The 24 year old scooted closer to her and tugged the slightest on the blanket. A few murmurs slipped out of her lips. Terezi tugged on the blanket as well. She was being stubborn again. He didn't want to butt heads with her right now, he just wanted to sleep. 

This was a problem some nights. Scratch that, this was a problem most nights. Karkat would either not go to sleep at all, fall asleep and wake up in the middle of the night, or (when he was lucky) completely knock out and not wake up until morning. And sometimes when he couldn't seem to fall asleep she'd stay up a while and talk with him, but that always ended with her drooling on her pillow and him left staring and the wall the rest of the night. The ginger girl next to him murmured something close to his name. "K-Kar...kat...?" She stirred. His attention was to her now. Karkat felt his face heating up. Why did he have to be so flustered all the time? "Yeah?" He said trying to be quite. "Got to...bed..." Terezi groggily said. She tugged on his sweater but then buried her face in the warmth of his chest and shivered. "It's cold!" Karkat heard Terezi whine into his sweater. "Stop whining like a god damn child." The arm draped around her pushed her closer to him. She lifted her head a little and her cold nose made contact with his neck. Almost instantly Karkat pulled back. "Fuck, what the hell?!" He said a lot louder than needed. Tired giggles erupted from her. "Now look who's acting like a god damn child...he he he!" Terezi said a bit more awake. "Your nose is a fucking icicle! And you know you did that on purpose." He scoffed. Her small giggles calmed down until she was silent. Her head was now back against his chest and she shivered again. Karkat pulled the blanket up to his chin so that her head was under the blanket. 

"Have you gotten any sleep?" The girl's voice was muffled. He stayed quite. "No." Karkat shifted. She grumbled at his movement. Terezi's arm slipped out of the blanket and practically slapped his face. Her fingers went over his eyes in an attempt to shut them. "Fuck." The male spat. Terezi's arm slid back into the covers. All she did was squeeze the dragon doll in her arms. A high pitched speak came from the plushie that Karkat hated so much. He did what she wanted and shut his eyes. 

One of her arms that was holding the scale mate wrapped itself around his waist and moved her head so that his head could rest on hers. His face grew even more red (if that was possible) and he tried to take his attention away from her. Terezi murmured another "go to sleep" and did so herself. He sighed, he wished that it could be that easy for him. How could she just so quickly lose the battle to stay conscious? Well, it wasn't like he was trying to fight off sleep.

 Karkat could feel his heart racing as if he had just run a marathon. The butterflies wouldn't stop tickling his stomach. He stayed quiet for a few moments. His eyes still shut he whispered her name. "Terezi...?" 

She was asleep now. She couldn't hear him.

The arm draped around Terezi fully wrapped around her as he let out a sigh.

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