Chapter 42

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*Juliet POV*

“Juliet Rowling,” speaking into the microphone was Ms. Meade.  Her cheerful tone said my name to the crowd and my heart dropped at insane depths into my stomach.  My feet absentmindedly made their way to the stage even though I was mentally screaming in protest.  As I arrived at center stage I took a seat at the stool that basked in the only light available in the whole Cafeteria: the spotlight.  All eyes were on me.  I tried not to focus on them as I swung my guitar from around my shoulder and allowed it to sit perfectly in my hands.  I ran my fingers along the neck of the guitar.  While I applied the capo to the given fret, I gently traced the words ‘Forever and Always’.  For a split second I closed my eyes and saw my mother in the darkness.  A faint glow radiated off her body as she stood directly in front of the stage.  I opened my eyes and she was gone, but not emotionally.

My fingers plucked and strummed the strings as if it was the most natural thing in the world.  I was almost unaware of what I was doing.  The weight of the hundreds of eyes before me was all that was on my mind.  I held my head low as the first line of lyrics came around.

“I am lost inside this world

A dream within a dream

I feel that I am sleeping

And no one can hear me scream

What can I do

To find out the truth

Is there something more out there

Oh I can't see if it’s clear

I need you to rescue me

And let me see

What this life hold outside these boundaries

I need to break free because

I'm a prisoner inside these walls

Slowly caving in as nighttime falls around

And there are shadows everywhere

Haunting me while I lay here

So please why can't you see

I need you to rescue me


Where should I run to

When I don't know where you are

You’re the only one that I would trust

But the distance is to far

I need you to rescue me

And let me see

What this life hold outside these boundaries

I need to break free because

I'm a prisoner inside these walls

Slowly caving in as nighttime falls around

And there are shadows everywhere

Haunting me while I lay here

So please why can't you see

I need you to rescue me”

The door on the other side of the Cafeteria was covered in a black fabric, as well as the windows, in order to keep out the sunlight.  Though, as a person gradually opened the door, they allowed sunlight to come in with them.  I dismissed the late arriver and continued my performance.

“The time inches by

I count the ticks and tocks

And I wait for the days to pass”

Out of the corner of my eye I saw the figure making their way towards the stage.

“Every second that goes by

And I feel like I am getting weak

Dizzy head and heavy eyes

Falling to my knees”

As soon as enough light fell on his face to identify him, different types of butterflies took flight inside of my stomach.  He stood in front of me and I couldn’t take my eyes from the ocean blue ones that stared back into mine.  Unlike the rest of the crowd, his stare had a totally distinct effect on me.  Even though the lyrics continued to flow out of my mouth and my fingers remained consistent as they strummed away, my mind was on one thing only: Jason.

“I need you to rescue me

And let me see

What this life hold outside these boundaries

I need to break free because

I'm a prisoner inside these walls

Slowly caving in as nighttime falls around

And there are shadows everywhere

Haunting me while I lay here

So please why can't you see

I need you to rescue me

Please come rescue me”

Before I knew it he was clapping, the smile plastered upon his face was blinding.  It took me a moment to realize that everyone in the Cafeteria was on their feet, applauding me.  I scanned around the room at all the delighted faces, some with tears streaming down their cheeks.

Jason leaped gracefully onto the stage and embraced me with warmth.  I snuggled against his shoulder as I breathed in his familiar smell.  I felt as if I was in a dream.  Like I was a caterpillar changing into a butterfly from inside my cocoon, safe from everything around me.  I didn’t want to be woken up.

Though I knew it was real when he took my face in his large hands and moved my head so I could be looking directly at him.  His eyes were intense as they searched mine.  Before I could react to what I knew was coming, he crashed his lips onto mine.


What do you think???  Super cheesey right?  I don't care ;)

Glad to be writing again and glad to see all the comments, votes, and reads!  Keep it up Nerds!

Question of the Chapter:

       I want you Nerds to ask me a question!!  Anything you can think of, and I will answer it in a book-thingy on here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Then I will tag you somehow so you know my answer!!! :D

P.S. I know this is a short Chapter but I just got back from vacation and I didnt get to write this week!!

Love Delaney

:) <3

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