Chapter 7

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I run my fingers through my hair as I walk out of the dark room. I start back to my own room. A million thoughts passed through my mind.

If I train with him everyday. If I'm with him everyday, will the bond get stronger? Will seeing him with Jaiden hurt more.

I grab at my heart. The pain would kill me if it got worse.

I sigh as I finally get to my room. I open the door and freeze seeing a tear stained Atta.

"Im so so sorry." Is all she says as she hiccups.

I give her a pitiful smile and walk over and sit in my bed beside her.

"It's fine. You didn't know."

She shakes her head "My mother always told me mates never rejected each other. That it was impossible. And to now know it is possible." She lets out a shaky breath as she looks at me.

"You were raised in a castle Atta, there are no telling what lies and fairytales they told you." I pause. "You probably believe Queen Zerro is still alive."

Her eyes widen "There were rumors."

I laugh and looked down and grabbed her hand. "I went to her funeral." I whisper.

"Everyone did." She whispers back quickly.

"The way Kyan looked at her grave.. I wanted that raw love he had for her. From my mate. I pictured my mate would love me the same." I whisper as I look in her eyes.

"I expected it." Atta states. "I'm a spoiled brat that expected that every one got a loving mate. And now I'm scared mine won't want me."

I smile at her "rejection is not as rare as everyone thinks." I then add "But it does hurt like everyone expects. Hell it hurts more. "

"So what are you going to do?" Atta ask looking at me.

"I'm going to make something of myself. I'm going to be an amazing fighter." I state.

Atta nods. "I turn 17 tomorrow."

My eyes widen. "So you'll find out who your mate is. Or isn't. " I say with a smile.

She nods "I don't want to know." She sighs "I used to but after today I don't. What if it is him. He is engaged to someone."

I shrug my shoulders "I honestly don't know. I guess we could be rejects together." Atta laughs and nods.

"We can cry and eat our weight in ice cream." I add. Atta smiles at me and stands.

"I'll let you know how it goes. I'll see you tomorrow Its." I smile at the nickname as Atta walks out. I stand and get ready for bed.

I lay down and close my eyes and let sleep take me.


I groan from the loud beating on my door. I slowly sit up. "I'm coming." I mutter as the beating gets louder. I open the door and see an aggravated August. I see him open his mouth but pause as he looks me up and down.

He shakes his head quickly. "You could have at least gotten dressed. "

"You kept banging on the door." I snap back.

He glares at me "watch your tone."

I don't say anything as we stare at each other. I rub the sleep from my eyes and look at him. "Get dressed quickly so we can train."

"Someone's birthday is today." I say without hesitation. Who knew I'd be so brave right after waking up. Though I was never a smart one when waking up in the morning and often got myself in trouble.

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