Chapter 9

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My mind is still foggy and I flinch as the tube opens and the man peers inside. His eyes widen as he looks at me.

"You're alive?" He questions.

He doesn't move for a second as he studies me. My body feels to heavy to move so I just lay there looking at him.

Finally he moves and picks me up from under my arms and lifts me up. My head falls back as it's to heavy to hold up. He sits me up and puts a hand on the back of my neck and lifts my head.

"The medicine will wear off in a few minutes." He states gently. He then gently continues to lift me out of the tube. He then lays me down on his lap on the floor. He picks my head back up. He wipes the tears away and gives me a sad smile. Slowly I start to get feeling back in my body.

"Are you okay?" He asks worriedly.

My body burns and is starting to sting like I was just fried as I get the feeling back in my body.

"I'm fine." I whisper.

He raises a brow as he glances over my body. "You don't look fine."

I give him a glare as I harshly whisper, "then don't look at me." I hear him chuckle as I start to get more feeling and the burning sensation starts to fade.

I blink a couple times and try to stand, the man helps me up and hangs on to me as I wobble until I find my balance.

I look at him. His brown hair is shaggy an curly. He looks like a peasant. What I used to be. His brown eyes check my body for any thing that wasn't supposed to happen. He smiles at me when he is finished.

"There were some...changes." The man says hesitantly.

I raise a brow.

"Oh and my name is Elk." He adds with a crooked smile.

My eyes widen "What do you mean changes?" I whisper. I then look down at my skin and gasp. I stare at my skin in disbelief.

White. My skin is white like a ghost. I see a mirror against the wall and rush quickly to it.

A scream leaves my mouth and my hands cover my mouth. A sob racks through my body at my sickly white skin. My lips are a pale pink, like freckles, scales are scattered around my face, my body. My dark eyes seem even blacker as if it were possible. I bare my teeth and see they are sharper, looking down at my hands my fingernails were pointed and longer, like claws. I look like a nightmare.

I turn to Elk, tears streaming down my face. "Why!" I scream.

I see elk scramble for words, his eyes starting to water. "I-I told him- I told the king it wasn't ready. I told him that-that I needed more time but he wouldn't listen and and I'm I'm I'm I'm so sorry."

It seems as though the world stopped. He knew. He knew. He knew what this  would do to me.

"Where is he!" I growl anger taking over my body.

Elk starts to shake "He-He is -He is is is in is in his office." He stutters. Another sob racks my body as I fumble to the door. I open the door and walk out and make my way to the hallway.

I smell my way to August. I open the door to his office and his head snaps up as I enter. He growls as he stands up.

I breath heavily as he stalks to me, eyes glaring down at me.

"I want to go away." I say raising my voice for the first time since I've been here.

The back of his hand collides with my cheek throwing me to the floor.
He growls and I cower before him.

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