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You and Cas walk upstairs and find that everyone has gone to bed.
"Thanks Cas for training me."
"No problem. We'll continue some other time but at least you have the basics down."
"Yeah well I'm going upstairs. I'll see you later."
"Bye (Y/N)."
And with that Cas disappears and you walk upstairs. You walk into the guest bed and see Dean's sleeping figure. You sigh. I hope we can get this figured out soon so I can sleep. You climb into the bed and Dean scoots over and wraps his arms around you.
"Goodnight (Y/N) love you"
"Night Dean love you too."
You hear Dean softly start snoring and beginning the long night of no sleep. You hear your phone ring. You climb out of bed and grab your phone.
Maya: "Hello?"
You: "Hey Maya"
Maya: "(Y/N)? What's up?"
You: "I'm bored out of mind this whole not sleeping thing sucks."
Maya: "Yeah it does. Want to meet up?"
You look over at Dean: "Sure. Where?"
Maya: "Um the park?"
You: "I'll meet you there."
You hang up the phone and flash to the park. Maya is sitting on a swing waiting for you.
"Hey" You walk up to Maya
"Hey my new angel friend. Did you tell them?"
"Ugh Maya really?" You groan
"Yes now spill did you or did you not."
"No Castiel did."
"What!?!" Maya shouts
"How did Dean react?"
"He was mad. Mad about all of it. Me not talking to them when I first got back. Me not telling him about me being an angel. All of it Maya."
"Oh (Y/N) I'm so sorry. How is he now?"
You take your hand off the swing and place it in front of her, Mayas eyes widen.
"He proposed?!?"
"And you said yes?!?"
"Of course I said yes. I love the dope even if he's a bit stubborn."
"Well congrats. I should let you go home to your new fiancé, we'll have to do this again."
"Absolutely! Well I'll see you later Maya."
"See you"
You two hug and disappear. You settle back into bed to start the fast track of boredom all over again.
*Time skip to morning*
You roll over and check the time for the millionth time. It finally read 9:30AM. You groan and jump out of bed waking Dean in the process.
"Why are you so happy to be awake? I know you, you aren't a morning person." Dean grumbles
"Dean I'm an angel and angels don't sleep. You have no idea how bored I've been all night. Now up and at em sleepy head we've got work to do."
Dean groans and climbs out of bed while you skip downstairs. Sam is already awake and on his computer.
"Morning Sam"
"Morning (Y/N)"
Dean trudges down the stairs and heads straight for the coffee pot. You take a seat at the table and he soon joins you.
"So Sammy, find any new cases?"
"Not yet."
You all sit in silence for a few minutes before the coffee pot beeps. Dean gets up and helps himself to a cup.
"Want one babe?"
"No I'm going to go get my clothes." You stand up and Dean goes to tell you something but you disappear.
"Angels always disappearing." Dean mutters
*At the bunker*
You take a look around the room that you and Dean shared. Man I missed this place. You walk towards the dresser and pull a few shirts and pants. You walk to the closet and grab a duffle bag and throw your clothes in it. You grab one of Dean's jackets and flash back to Bobby's.
"Took you long enough." Dean says
"I wasn't gone that long. I'm going to change now." You walk upstairs to the bathroom. You walk back downstairs and Dean looks at you.
"Is that my jacket?" Dean asks you.
"Maybe." You smirk. Dean walks over to you and plants a kiss on your lips. Sam clears his throat signaling that he's still there. You guys break apart and sit on the couch.
"So get this, girl found with her heart missing in Louisiana. Nanny finds her and calls the police. The nanny claims that she was upstairs taking care of the kids, she didn't hear anything. When she went to leave that's when she found the corpse." Sam explains.
"Uh interesting when are we leaving?' Dean gets up
"I'm ready when you are." Sam shuts his computer
"We'll leave in 10."
"I'll meet you all in the car." You stand up and go to grab your bag but Dean stops you.
"You're not going"
"Yeah I am"
"No you're not"
"And why not?"
"I can't risk you getting hurt again."
"Dean I'll be fine." You sigh and walk towards Dean putting your hands on his waist.
"Please let me go" You beg
"Fine but be careful." Dean sighs and kisses your forehead.
Bobby walks downstairs just as you all are leaving
"Bobby we're going on hunt should be back in a few days." You tell the grumpy man
"Alright be careful." Bobby hugs you.
"I will. Bye Bobby"
You walk out to the car and Dean and Sam are already in the car. You hop in back and Dean looks at you in the mirror before starting the car. He starts the car and you guys start the long trip to Louisiana.

I'm an AngelOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant