Log Two

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The people of the Northern Federation all stare at me. At first, I thought I must be very beautiful to receive such attentions. I have realized that this is not the case. They think me strange. 

There are no Orcs here. 

There is no religion.

They do not know the respect that should come with my white Pious robes. 

They do not know even what I am.

Kobolds and Dragonborns and Stonewhits and Aklay all stare in my face and squint at me and gasp. 

"Is that an Orc," they say.

I want to disguise myself and hide from their stares.

I try to forget their stares and remember the words of Obsequious Julian.

I am happy to be in this cold city, though. There are so many people and types of new foods and clothing and architecture I never could have dreamed of. 

We traveled to Dragonborn area and met a Kobold called Berka who was so beautiful, I nearly fell over. I was disguised as a soldier and she hardly looked at me. 

But she was more concerned about a sports match than her own friend's well-being it seemed and I found it too dishonorable. 

I still hope to see her again.

Today, we visit the children of the wall. So I don't think about it.

We're stopped by two Stonewhits on camels. One, the man, calls the guard over. He does not trust us. He thinks we must have stolen something. They glare at me and wrinkle their nose when I speak. I am angry.

"What reason do you have for suspecting us!?!" I am nearly shouting.

"A Kobold and an Orc? Why are you even on this side of town!"

"We are here legally!"

The guard comes over and tries to mediate. I am angry with him for indulging the prejudices of the Stonewhit. He confiscates Nic's thieves' tools and questions my glass eye. I had picked it up when Nic was attempted to rob the hospital. I did not agree to his course of action and waited outside. The eyeball looked at me from under a plant and I kept it.

"It's a momento," I say nervously. 

The guard gives me a look and deems me safe.

"I would like some documentation that we are here legally so that we are not stopped and searched again."

The guard gives us some paperwork and I ask for his name (Gifno).

We continue on to the wall. 

We check to see if our letter has been returned by Erick. It has not. It has only been a day but to me it feels like a week.

The current patrol, Bryan, turns his back to us and we disappear into the bowels of the wall.

The children are happy to see us. They are incredibly well-armed and a little bit better fed than when we last saw them. 

Too well-armed.

Nic trades one child a healing potion for a rapier. It is Elizabeth. She takes the potion to Tommy, who seems to be sick with a swollen tongue. He drinks the potion. Apparently he has been eating pudding, which we slowly gather to be shit from the sewers he lurks through. I give thanks to the Goddess that we were able to help this child before he was afflicted with hepatitis or a tapeworm.

Elizabeth enjoys our stories of our most recent adventures. She also wants to "kill skeletons." We take her with us when we leave the hole in the wall. I plan to train her in the ways of the Goddess.

I am excited at the thought of having an apprentice. Though, she has proven to be somewhat more difficult than I expected. We give her a bath and she flings mud and water all about the room. When the innkeeper, Reis Bedrosien, offers a spectacular honey bread pie, she feeds on it like a starving wolf. There will be much work ahead of us from here.

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