Log Twelve

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The wife and her children had to move out of their luxurious home to cover all their expenses. I offered to let her stay in our orphanage, I'm not sure if she'll come or not.

The master of that farm, the strong looking woman with sparkling blue eyes stopped by the orphanage. She said she wanted to provide goats milk. She even brought a few goats to teach some of the children. Elizabeth paid attention almost the whole time, but she started throwing knives so they'd stick in the ground, spooking one of the goats.

I think this will be my last entry for some time. I have so much work with the upkeep of the orphanage and we want to start a small school, mostly for our children but the neighbors will be welcome to join. Maura, the strong farmer, said she'd like to help out with that too.

She looks at me a lot and it makes my face hot. Just being around her makes my face hot. I brought her goats a bucket of water and she touched my shoulder. I felt the imprint of her hand for hours after.

I practice my martial arts. Sometimes with Elizabeth, which usually takes twice as long, sometimes alone. I take my tea at night. Sometimes Maura takes tea with me. I appreciate her company but it's also so difficult to focus on the tea when she's near.

As for the Goddess. I'm still searching for her. But I think she found a new mission for me, one that I will see through now. I think She will always be waiting for me.

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