Chapter Two: An Unusual Colour

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At first, it'd looked like a murkish red colour, but the closer she looked the more she could see. There were a mix of several colours inside it, the fine hair-like strands of magic floating together each glowing with a different coloured light. Some were red, some were green, and a few even had a silverish twinge to them.

That wasn't the only thing.

The small glassy dragon had lit up too, in that exact same colour, meaning only one thing.

She was a dragon rider.

At least, she was going to be one she hoped – as soon as the man stopped staring intently at her stone in confusion. "Cynthia, I think we might need to change the stone," he said, beckoning over the redhead from before. She obliged, swiftly exchanging the stone on its stand with an identical one which was filled with a soft white light as she held out the replica of the original. "Thanks." He nodded. "We'll have to get that one purified when we get back..."

Sora stared between the two, ignoring the pointed look Cynthia gave her companion. "What's going on?"

Ethan turned to her, a polite smile on his lips. "The stone is only meant to show one colour, or, in rare cases, two," he explained, seemingly ignorant of the redhead's intense stare. "If it turns the colour that yours showed, it means the stone needs to be purified... but unfortunately only a few people can do that, and none of them are here." He patted her head rather suddenly. "But don't look so worried. The fact that it lit up at all means you have strong enough magic to register on the scale."

She almost sagged in relief.

She wasn't colourless.

Though it didn't mean brown magic was off the table, but Sora had lit up the dragon... surely that counted for something, right?

"Just put your hand on the stone already, please." He sighed, tapping his foot against the ground. "We need to finish up soon if we want to stay on schedule."

"OK, OK. Don't get your panties in a knot," she said, promptly clapping a hand over her mouth when she realised what she'd just said.

"Yes!" Raelynn ran up to her, high-fiving her before she could even blink.

"Back to your corner." Cynthia scowled, herding the hyperactive girl back over to the group which had Tabitha in it. The one heading to the Outer City... and soon she'd be joining that group... probably. Raelynn pouted, allowing herself to be dragged away by the exasperated redhead but not before she'd sent Sora a blinding grin.

Strangely, she felt a bit more confident after all of that, her gaze returning to the stone in front of her. Her hand didn't tremble as she placed it on the stone a second time, the myriad of colours springing back to life suddenly.

"I thought this wasn't supposed to happen," she mumbled, hearing the whispers racing around the hall. She'd been standing in front of the stone for ages compared to everyone else. They were probably complaining, knowing them, but she had bigger things to worry about than all the possible rumours which could spring up.

"Well..." Cynthia trailed off, pulling her to one side. "This is unprecedented."

Ethan sighed. "Tell me about it... We're way off schedule now."

"You and your damn schedules," the redhead muttered, shaking her head, turning to face Sora. "Frankly, kid, I've never seen the stone do that before."

"I'm only supposed to turn it one colour, I know." Sora's shoulders slumped forwards. She'd read about it before in books when she wasn't terrorising the streets of Gaskard. A body could hold up to a maximum of three types of magic. Any more than that and the person in question would die in a rather gruesome way. The rainbow of colours dancing inside the stone meant it needed to be 'purified' for whatever reason... either that or she was about ten seconds away from exploding, and, surprisingly enough, she seemed like she was in perfect health.

Rainbow Magic (Dragon Rider #1) {EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now