Rocks and Rescuers

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The world was fuzzy.

Sora blinked, staring sideways at the rock slab in front of her. The last thing she remembered was crashing through a ceiling of some description then... nothing. Pain lanced through her head, fingers gingerly touching at her hair, eyes widening when her hand came back covered in blood. Her blood.

She sat up sharply, wincing as another wave of pain slammed into her.

Everything hurt.

Though she couldn't say she was surprised.

Falling off a cliff sounded painful, and now she had the proof to back it up.


She sat up, head pounding, blood leaking down the side of her face as she peered around the hazy room. It would've been dark, very dark, had it not been for the hole in the ceiling she'd created what felt like only moments ago.

Newly formed rocks skittered off her lap when she stood, rubbing her head.

"What the hell is this place?" she whispered, staring around the room. It wasn't a naturally occurring cave, that was for sure. Brickwork lined the walls, thin windows barely letting any light in, numerous small cold stone slabs littering the room.

It looked like some ancient morgue.

Thankfully it was mostly empty.

Aside from one.

Blonde hair spilled out and down one side of the stone table, golden eyelashes lining the closed eyes, a face which looked oddly delicate and aristocratic, and a chest which moved up and down ever so slightly.

They were alive.

"Who are you?" she asked, reaching forwards to wake them.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, silly."

Sora straightened, head whipping around to find the green eyes boring into her own with a frightening intensity.

He stood in the doorway, leaning against it.

The Necromancer.

She stumbled back. "Where's Oz?"

"I got bored of him."

Sora blinked, watching as he placed a hand against an invisible wall separating them. "What do you want?"

"You'll find out soon, little Gold," he whispered, raising a hand as he backed away from the place. "I'd move away from there though if I were you..."

Sora didn't listen, staring furiously at the place he'd been standing only seconds before.

A mistake, as she found out moments later.

There was a clatter, a roar, and then a flash of gold scales, then she was flying backwards. The tail which had slammed into her gleamed, blue reptilian eyes burning in the shadows beyond that hole of light she'd created.

"Not again!" she hissed, slamming through the brickwork and rock behind it, eyes wide as the floor under her feet vanished. "Dammit!"

"Grab her! Quick!"

The voice rang out through her mind – one she recognised.

Little claws dug into each of her ankles, two sets of wings flapping furiously to keep them from falling any further.

Ivana, and Raelynn's dragon.

"That was close."

"No kidding, imbecile."


Sora smiled, her eyelids drooping. Maybe now she could sleep...

A loud roar snapped her back to reality, the grip on her ankles loosening, and then she was falling again.

Though admittedly not as far.

"Gotcha, little riderette," a voice mumbled, an arm closing around her waist, keeping her upright as she slumped on top of the dragon now beneath her. "Wake up. C'mon." The tapping on her face increased in fervour, her eyes cracking open a slit as she glared at the one who'd saved her.

All she wanted to do was sleep.

"At least stay awake till I get you to the hospital?"

Sora grunted, hanging onto consciousness by a thread.

Until her head slammed into a fixture of some sorts.

She blamed that one completely on her rescuer.

Rainbow Magic (Dragon Rider #1) {EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now