Section Nine - Melody

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This is John Smith's suicide note:

'To the survivors of my brother's death,

I am sorry. The primary trait I have showed in these last few months has been cowardice and I am ashamed of it. Perhaps that was why I decided that this life was too much. I have some things to admit in this, my final writing and I will start with Ethan.

My brother was a good man, better than I was by far. He had fun, he knew how to party, but more than that, he was a people person. He understood all emotions, knew how to comfort almost everyone and he was special in this way. His unique personality was a gift to those who knew him, but I misused it. Instead of cherishing it, I was jealous of it. I killed him because I envied him. I envied his fiancé. Admittedly, it was an accident, but that is no excuse, no reason to feel less ashamed.

To the police and dear Melody, I hope you are glad that I have solved the case. I only hope that I serve as an example to those who may feel as if they want to follow in my footsteps. Don't. You will only be motivated to end your life by guilt.

Save yourself, as I couldn't. Wish me well in the afterlife,

Yours, John Smith.'

I took the note, written in forest green ink and fled to the police station to finally wrap up the case. My diary, The Diary of a Murderess, was then packed into my suitcase, ready to travel with me to begin a whole new life.

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