ғɪɴᴀʟ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ [02]

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The next day, Hoseok and Mr. Jung, well mostly Hoseok decided that it would be nice for the family to go out for a day of fun.

Sami was very wary about the idea since the feedback that they received not even 48 hours ago was still weighing down on her especially the comments that people left about Tyla.

In her mind, she wondered what kind of people would leave such awful comments about a child.

What did an innocent child ever do to them, she thought as she bit the inside of her mouth.

But Hoseok reassured her that no matter what, he will be there to protect them.

After that, Hoseok left Sami alone to decide since he didn't want to force Sami to do anything that she didn't feel comfortable doing.

And so, that's what Sami did. She thought about the idea for a long time until it was dinner time and everyone waited for her answer.

She turned to Tyla who sat next to her and Hoseok on the other side of her. She shut her eyes and open them once more, breathing in and out before parting her lips to reply with an answer. "Yeah, let's do it," giving a faint smile even though in the pit of her stomach, it was doing somersaults.

Hoseok smiled happily as he squeezed Sami's hand underneath the table. In his head, plans were already made, and with Sami's agreement, everything will go smoothly without any issues.

And so, the next day, quite early in the morning, the Jungs, Sami, and Tyla all got dressed. Sami dressed Tyla in the warmest outfit since the temperature had dropped some and all she was aware of is that they were going to place that was most likely have events outside.

Once, Sami, had Tyla dressed, she also got dressed and finished up her morning routine to join the others out in the living room.

Now finished, Sami walked out from the bedroom and down the hall until she was in the front along with the others.

Tyla was being held by Hoseok as she talked his ear off being so excited that she was going to spend the day with her daddy.

Sami smiled at the father and daughter's interaction. As she did, Sami thought about what Hoseok had asked her about moving to Korea and staying here to allow him to be closer to Tyla.

Honestly, she has been thinking about it for quite some time and seeing how much Tyla loved being around Hoseok. They were like two peas and a pod. They were so much alike it was crazy.

Maybe being here wouldn't be so bad she thought. But Sami's thoughts were interrupted when she heard the sound of Mr. Jung calling out to tell everyone that it was time to go.

"So where are we going?" Mrs. Jung asked Mr. Jung as she strapped herself into the vehicle.

It was already a known fact that none of the females knew where the men were taking them and even with her asking Mr. Jung and Hoseok still never said anything.

"There's nothing to worry about, you'll find out when we get there," Mr. Jung answered, putting in the van in reverse and backing out from the driveway once everyone was secured in the vehicle.

This didn't sit well with Mrs. Jung, hearing what her husband had told. Why was the location such a hush-hush matter?

Why did they have to wait until they arrived to know where they were going?

Even with the bombarded amount of questions from Mrs. Jung and Dawon, Hoseok nor Mr. Jung give them an answer. Meanwhile, Sami just kept her attention on Tyla who was asking what was that place called, can we go there sometime and dozens of more questions?

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