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Three Years Later

"Mom, hurry up, the van is waiting for us!!" The fifteen-year-old Tyla blurted out to her mother from downstairs.

Sami came to the foot of the stairs seeing her daughter holding the door open letting in the cold air. Sami placed her hand on her hips as she stared down at her daughter. "Thank you for informing for the hundredths time but if you could help me out, then we could leave a little bit faster."

Tyla groans out a frustrated sigh as she stood by the front door rocking back and forth on the balls of feet. "What do you want me to do?" She asked, rolling her eyes.

"Find your brothers for one and finish getting them dressed."

Tyla slammed the door and sucked her teeth. "Fine," she grumbled.

"Thank you very much, young lady," she started saying, " And oh change that attitude, missy."

Sami stood at the edge of the stairs before turning back around and heading back into the room that she just came out of. "Now where was I, ah yes," she said to herself going back to the room to finishing up what she was doing before Tyla yelled out to her.

From that being said, Tyla went looking for her brothers. "I'm always the one that has to look for them when they decide to play hide-and-seek," she muttered to herself.

She searched all through the bottom part of the house until she noticed two sets of feet wiggling from under the curtains in the family room.

She sneaked over very quietly as the two little voices giggled out from their hidden location. With the count of three, Tyla quickly pulled back the curtains, scaring the boys who screamed out as they tried to escape from their big sister.

"Run!" Yeon-Seok yelled out to his brother Hongseok.

The boys split with one going the one way and the other racing quickly the other way but Tyla was quicker than they were. She nipped them by the collar of their jackets, stopping them instantly in their tracks.

"Let go, noona, "Hongseok cried out, trying to wigging out from Tyla's grips.

"Yeah, let go, noona," Yeonseok added in as he tried to escape from his big sister.

Tyla giggled seeing the two boys try to struggling from her strong grasp. She squinted down and turned the boys to face her. "If I let you two go, do you promise to finish getting dressed?"

Yeonseok and Hongseok turned to each other giving one of their father's signature smirks before raising their head up and answering their big sister in unison. "We promise."

Tyla looked at the two boys knowing that they were up to something. But right now time was important and they all needed to hurry up. "Fine," Tyla said, releasing them and knowing that they were going to do what do best.

But someone coming down the downstairs caused them to halt in their tracks. With them going in the opposite direction but coming back around they bumped into their mother. "Umph," Sami stated as she was their target in the end.

Yeonseok and Hongseok glanced up and saw the stern look on their mother's face as she glanced back at them. "I will give the of you two to the count of five to find your socks and shoes and get them on in the next minutes or else," she ended.

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