Chapter 10: Fate

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I take a deep breath and say, "I can't marry you."

"What," he laughs, turning and staring into my eyes,"Is this about last night? You don't want to marry me because I'm weak?"

"No," I sigh. "This has nothing to do with that, and you're not weak."

"Then why?"

"Because...because you'll die."

"I'll die?" He chuckles, looking amused. "You really don't want to marry me, huh?"

"No, it's not that. I'm telling you the truth."

"Okay, say I believe this insane lie of yours, tell me, how exactly do I die?"

I frown. That wasn't in my textbook. It only said that he died the day before his wedding. "I-I don't know...but-"

"Stop," he snaps. "I'm tired of all the lies here at court...but you...please...not you too..." he whispers. "Not you.."

My breath hitches as I look up into his eyes, which are filled with an overwhelming sense of sadness and loneliness. The look of a boy betrayed too many times. I suppress the urge to hug him.

"Edward...I swear that I'm not lying."

"Tell me the truth!" he yells, eyes flaring.

I gulp. He's not going to believe me. I have to make something up. "I-I love someone else. If we get married, I think I'll have an affair," I blurt out.


Slowly, Edward leans down and stares into my eyes, positioning his arms on either side of me. "Like I've told you many times. Marriage is not about love. It's about power. We are securing our thrones. I don't care if you have lovers on the side, just be discreet."

"But I think love is more important than power," I stick my chin up defiantly, "for me, marriage is all about love."

He laughs. "That's where you're extremely wrong. As rulers, there's nothing more important to us than power. Love is trivial. It's for commoners and fools."

I know that the words rushing out of his mouth are terribly wrong, but I cannot stop thinking about how great he smells, and how gorgeous his eyes are...

"Catherine?" he bows his head until our faces are nearly pressing together. "Do you understand what I'm saying?"

"Hu-huh?" I mumble, frozen. Damn, his lips look so soft...

"I said, do you understand what I'm saying?"

I blink. "What? Understand what?"

Edward sighs. "I've already set our wedding date. It will be in four days. And nothing. Absolutely nothing will change it."

This snaps me out of my trance. "Wait! What?"

Before I am able to react, he strides away. 

"Edward!" I yell anxiously. Why is he being so difficult? All I want to do is save his life! "I won't marry without love!" I shout after him. "Fuck power! I don't give a damn about power!"


"Calchantis," I hiss, "I need to talk to you."

"Right now?" Calchantis whispers back. "This doesn't seem like a very appropriate time." We are having lunch with my ladies and two noble girls, both of whom seem very interested in Calchantis. I do have to say, however, that he is looking rather handsome in a navy blue tunic.

"What I have to say is very important. And watching those girl stare at you with oogly googly eyes is making me sick."

Calchantis laughs and stands up, laying his hand on my back. "Excuse me ladies, the princess and I have some private matters to discuss."

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