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The last page of the old book that Edward's father gave to him ( This last page was torn out)

Our story ends and starts in the year 1346. There was a man who loved his wife more than anything. When his wife was infected with the Black Plague, the man searched desperately for a method to save her.
        Their village had a great treasure, a blood diamond. It was small, the size of a pebble, but the color was intense. The elders said that it was a cursed stone and kept it locked away in the church. Legend says that spilling the blood of a seer on the blood diamond and ingesting it can heal all diseases.
      One night, the man broke into the church and stole the stone. He slit the throat of a seer and soaked the diamond with blood. His wife was healed almost instantly  after eating the blood diamond. However, the following day, she was replaced by a woman who looked the same but had different memories.
The woman said that she had time travelled.
    It was the start of the curse.
    The two lovers were eternally cursed to find and lose each other through space and time. Time and time again, the lovers are reborn and find each other.
Each time, the man will be tempted to kill the seer, and if he does, the cycle will repeat itself.
   The only way to break the cycle is for there to be no bloodshed.

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