Chapter Ten

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"Hey Sarah," Evelyn shouted from the kitchen. She could hear her daughter running back inside the house from the backyard with their Border Collie dog running behind her. She stood at her mothers side, tugging her shorts down.

"What is it?" Sarah asked her mother.

"Your father forgot his lunch on the dinning table. I'm busy with cleaning the house at the moment. Not to mention the neighbor is coming over in an hour or two to help fix the pipes under the sink. You remember what happened when I turned on the sink yesterday?"

Sarah nodded and chuckled at the memory. Her mother had turned on the sink and suddenly the pipes burst, spraying water everywhere. It was pretty funny for the most part. Her mom was upset and over it.

"Anyways, after your done laughing at my misery, I want you to take his lunch and bring it to your dad at work."

"Why can't Ervin do it?"

Evelyn turned to her daughter, raising an eyebrow. "Because you barley leave the house. You just spend the majority of your time in your room or the backyard playing with Ginger." She shrugged and wiped a piece of cloth over the counter top. "You need to get out more, stretch your legs."

Sarah sighed and dropped her head, staring at the freshly mopped floor. "Fine." She titled her head up to look at her mom. "Can I bring Ginger though?"


"Because, I like having her around."

Evelyn thought about it for a moment, looking down at the innocent dog who wagged her tail back and forth.

"Alright. But make sure she behaves herself. Don't let her out of your sight!" She grabbed the container that was full of food, stuffing it into a brown paper bag with a bottle of orange juice to go along with it. She turned to Sarah, handing her the bag. "Here."

Sarah smiled, and grabbed the brown paper bag.

"Lets go, Ginger!" She called to her dog while speeding to the door.

"Take the leash!"


Living in New York for almost all her life, Sarah knew how to dodge the crowds of people on the streets. But it was a little harder considering the fact that now she was walking with Ginger. She held on tightly to the purple leash, making sure that Ginger didn't attempt to stray too far from her.

Since the police station was only about fifteen minutes—on foot—it was a good exercise to just have her legs moving a bit.

She looked up at the building as the American flag stood tall on one side of the entrance while the New York state flag stood on the other side. She was intrigued. Sarah averted her gaze to Ginger, tugging her along inside the station.

Immediately upon walking in, she was greeted by a couple of detectives who all knew her father. Sarah smiled back at them and walked into the squad room where the detectives desks were. She saw her dad sitting across the room at his desk, pondering with his fist pressed against his temple as he stared at a piece of paper.

Seth sighed. He brought his pen down on the paper, crossing out Jermey Brown's name multiple times. The next person on the list was Thomas Hall, or more commonly known as Father Thomas who was the priest at the church that Emily regularly attended along with her kids and husband. Even if he didn't believe in God, he still wanted to be respectful towards his wife so he went along with her.

The thought of a Priest being the murder of Emily's murder wanted to make Seth laugh. For the most part, he trusted Priests and Nuns. He wasn't extremely religious. He attended church once in a while. But other than that, he didn't regularly pray or read the bible. He just believed that a God existed, and that was it.

He was so deeply invested in his work that he didn't even notice his daughter standing right next to his desk. He looked up at her.

"Oh, Sarah. I didn't even notice you," He smiled and lowered his eyes down to Ginger who was sitting by his feet. He reached down to gently pet her. "What brings you guys here?"

Sarah extended her arm out towards him, holding out he paper brown bag. "Mom says you forgot your lunch at home. I was kind enough to offer to bring it to you. So here."

Seth chuckled and grabbed the bag out of her hands. "Did you offer to bring it to me, or did mom force you to?"

Sarah shrugged and scratched the back of her head. "Eh. She might have."

"Well, either way, thanks kiddo." He smiled at her, showing off his white teeth. He suddenly furrowed his brow as he looked behind Sarah. "Walt?"

Sarah turned around to look at Walter Ottoson power walking towards his desk that was right across from Seth's. He plotted down into his chair, looking through the files.

"Uh hey, Walter," Sarah whispered as she waved a hand at him. He didn't acknowledge her. He seemed so focused on trying to find something, anything to help the case. Sarah cleared her throat and stood up straight. She spoke again, this time more powerful. "Hey, Walter."

Walter flinched a bit and sighed, looking at Sarah. "Hi," He muttered before going back to finding whatever it was he was desperately looking for.

The door to Sergeant Powell's office swung open and the woman stood at the doorway, her brown eyed gaze moving straight towards Walters desk.

"Detective Ottoson," She said in a loud and clear voice. Everyone turned their heads to both her and Walter. "My office. Now."

Walter bit down on his bottom lip and let a couple seconds go by before he rose from his desk and slowly made his way towards the only thing that scared him the most.

(A/N) So I got no school tomorrow again... I'm happy about it but at the same time that just means that the day we get out of school in the summer will keep getting pushed back. Reasons why I hate living with snow.

Please don't forget to vote and comment, it can help me out a lout. Thank you :)

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