Chapter Twenty-Seven

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(A/N) Thank you all sooo much for getting this book to #96 in mystery/thriller. it means so much to me. I wasn't planning on uploading today but to celebrate, here you guys go. As always, please enjoy and don't forget to vote and comment, it helps me out a lot :)

"Ew," the girl said with all her friends giggling along. Melanie Peterson was the girl in school who everyone knew for her notorious reputation for being harsh towards her classmate. However, you should not underestimate her and her girly looks. She may seem defenseless and a coward, but she was in fact the complete opposite of that. And Jordan had first hand experience of her savage fists.

The red blood slid down her nostrils and fell onto the school floors. The crowd of teens surrounded them, simply staring at the beaten down Jordan. No one would ever dare to stand up to Melanie.

"Come on, stand up and fight me. You're Asian right? You should know martial arts."

Jordan rolled her eyes at Melanie's insensitive remark. She wanted to just pop a punch into her mouth and knock her out cold. But she didn't know how to fight.

Melanie smirked with her hands on her hips, thankful that the teachers were not yet at the scene. "I knew a fatty like you was easy to knock down." She lowered her fists and let out a sinister laugh. Everyone flinched at the sound of it. But Jordan quickly wiped the tears away, not wanting to show any sign of weakness.

She stood up from the floor, sniffling the blood back up her nose. She brought her foot back and her fists up, bending her knees a bit as she got into a fighting position.

"Fight me," Jordan whispered as Melanie laughed again.


"You heard me! Give me all you got."

Melaine scoffed and raised her fists. "Two more punches and you'll be knocked down on your ass."

Jordan nodded her head, gesturing for her to come at her. Melanie was hesitant for some reason, and Jordan could see it in her expression.

"What? Cant do it?" Jordan could now see Melanie enraged as her victim mocked her and even questioned her strength.

Suddenly, Melanie rushed to Jordan, and just as she predicted, her fast fists knocked down Jordan with only two punches. The blood dripped down her nose and busted lip, making a bigger mess. The sight of the blood freaked out the students at it began to spread, making them flee the scene. But Jordan lay lifeless and surrounded in a pool of her own blood. Melanie's heart began to race faster, realizing what Jordan's tactic was.


Raymond looked over at the calendar that hung on the wall. It was already the fifteen of August. School would be starting up very soon, and Raymond was not at all stoked about it. In fact, he was nervous. He didn't want anything bad happening to his students or co–workers.

"Papa, look what I made!" Mitchell exclaimed as he ran into the master bedroom, holding up a piece of paper with a bunch of messy doodles on it. He had drawn a dog smiling while basking in the sun. Of course, it looked more like a circle with sticks for legs.

Raymond forced a smile and took the paper from his sons hands. "Ah, look at this... amazing work." He cleared his throat and looked down at his son who had the biggest smile on his face. Raymond raised a brow and then eventually got the message.

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