Chapter 7: A mysterious girl and hot chocolate

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Choromatsu stared at the scene playing in front of him as if it were a movie. His hand gently intertwined with a girl's, her back facing towards him as she gingerly walked in front, her hair swaying in the wind while leading him somewhere unknown. Choromatsu walked keeping pace with the mysterious girl. everything was playing out so fast he felt himself go into a daze. One moment he had accidentally run into a pretty girl & now before he could apologize she was carrying him off somewhere. Suddenly the girl paused letting go of Choromatsu's hand much to his dismay. This might be his only chance to touch a girl. As Choromatsu mourned his loss the girl took a key out of her pocket fiddling with it before unlocking the door in front of them. It was only then that Choromatsu looked up and realized they were in front of a petit cafe made from brick. The whole building was about two stories high giving off a warm and kind feeling, vines wrapping around its body giving it a whimsical look making him eager to go explore. His wish was not long delayed as the girl opened the door and walked inside. Choromatsu stood still at the entrance until the girl looked behind her shoulder giving him a kind smile and nodded as if to confirm that he was allowed inside. Walking inside the cafe warmth filled his previously chilled body. The girl gestured to the main area of the cafe. The dark cafe was filled with seats of varying style and age with tables of equal variety. Choromatsu's eyes squinting in the dark wandered to each and every corner of the room, almost hungry to discover his new surroundings. The girl who stood before him flipped a switch illuminating the room and bringing a whole new warmth to it.  With the light on he could admire the warm colors surrounding him. The girl wandered towards the back of the cafe passing the counter area and escaping into what presumably was the kitchen. The clacking and clanging of pots soon filled the room confirming his suspicion. The smell of baked bread and flour filled his nose. It quickly came to his attention that he was quite famished, he must of forgotten to eat. Fidgeting with his now sweaty hand Choromatsu waited for the strange girl to reappear. It wasn't long until the girl stood before him startling him at her sudden appearance. She now wore a (f/c) apron around her waist. Choromatsu couldn't help but stare up at the girl in awe as she smiled down at him, he felt like he was looking up at a angle with how the light almost made a halo around her head. The girl smiled widely at Choromatsu pushing what she held into Choromatsu's own sweaty hands. His eyes slowly looking down onto what the girl had handed to him, being met with a warm mug with a rich chocolatey smell coming inside with a bountiful amount of whipped cream on top.
taking a sip of the hot chocolate the kind girl had poured. The girl stared patiently, by the look on her face Choromatsu could tell she was waiting for him to talk. Somehow the girl gave such a gentle and kind presence he couldn't help but began to pour his own worries out.

Choosing his words carefully Choromatsu spoke "I come from a family that.. Doesn't work very hard" pausing to stirring the hot chocolate with a spoon, gently bringing it to his lips he continued "it's so hard to break away from that lazy lifestyle, and sometimes I fear we will never learn how to change or grow into real adults despite being in our twenties already..." hopelessness began to sink deeper into his being. Here he was talking about changing again but what had he done so far to amount to his words? what hard work had he accomplished? thoughts of similar nature flushed Choromatsu's mind. The green boy began to sink in his seat lowering his head in shame as his vision began to fog as a water pipe began to leak from his eyes.
The girl before him simply nodded her head as she pondered to herself for a second before deciding to speak her mind "But you do want to change don't you..?" without lifting his head Choromatsu gave a small nod, barely noticeable. The girl continued looking intently at the boy in front of her
"That's a big step, finally admitting to oneself their own flaw and deciding to work hard to change them is big.."
Choromatsu lifted his gaze from his shoes to meet the girl's own (e/c) gaze. Her eyes were soft and gentle almost as if he was a precious jewel that she feared to break with a mere touch. The girl having met Choromatsu's gaze continued to speak her thoughts in hopes to encourage a smile out of him. "I think that is really mature of you mister, and the fact that you are working hard to take the next step, even if you aren't quite there yet, is really brave". Choromatsu held back a gasp. This strange girl was complimenting him? He didn't know how to react, honestly this whole situation was rather... ridiculous. Choromatsu began to giggle slightly to himself. What was this situation? Some kind of movie? Soon Choromatsu was laughing with the whole of his gut, startling the girl in front of him, it was her turn to be confused. Choromatsu calming himself from his fit of laughter. But a fit of giggles heard before him made turn his head. Making eye contact Choromatsu and the (e/c) eyed girl they both were able to mutter out one thing.."this situation" soon all that left their mouths was laughs and giggles. Honestly! What kind of cheesy movie were they in? Here was a mysterious girl comforting a pitiful boy in a charming cafe by presenting him with some kind of wisdom! Once their guts had started to hurt they calmed their laughter. Lifting up their faces to look one another in the eye. Wiping away a final tear the girl spoke. "I have a proposition for you, How about I hire you?"

Choromatsu stared slack jawed at the girl in disbelief. Wait what? Was she actually, honestly asking him to work with her? Before he could shout with joy the girl interrupted him. "Oh and before I forgot, my name's (y/n)" smiling at Choromatsu (y/n) waited patiently waited for the boy's own name. " oh, I'm Choromatsu Matsuno, nice to meet you!"
Suddenly (y/n) eyed widened before she spoke up a bit of atonement in her voice. "I knew you looked familiar! Actually I think I hired someone related to you?" Choromatsu sat up straight looking around his surroundings again. It must have slipped his mind, or maybe the tears had stopped him from fully viewing the cafe, but... wasn't this the cafe Todomatsu worked at?

Oh well, Totty was going to have to suck it up, because he was getting a new co-worker.

Boss-chan! Osomatus-san x reader!Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant