09 | Final Countdown

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LORELAI SWAN WAS SURE of one thing, and one thing only: she was going to have the Final Countdown stuck in her head for the entire battle

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LORELAI SWAN WAS SURE of one thing, and one thing only: she was going to have the Final Countdown stuck in her head for the entire battle. Part of her was hoping that somehow, somewhere, Edward Cullen was reading into her thoughts and happened to hear her mind screaming the beats. She knew she'd get a good laugh out of that one.

The Olympic coven stood in a line, stoic. Lorelai glanced back at Stella, who had a concentrated look on her face. It looked almost as though she was hyping herself up, which Lorelai wouldn't be too shocked if that was the case.

Earlier, Bella Swan had scattered droplets of her blood around the forest to lure the newborns into the field. The coven was sure that this would work, but Lorelai had a horrible habit of jumping to the worst-case scenario. However, that thought diminished rather quickly, for Lorelai could hear the newborns heading their direction.

Vicious grunts and shouts showered the atmosphere as the newborns dashed onto the field. The Olympic coven was quick to sprint toward them with the same intensity, except for Lorelai. The Manipulator narrowed her golden eyes at them, keeping her feet planted on the ground as Jasper made the first hit by smashing his fist into a newborn's skull.

Lorelai focused her attention on the newborns, using her gift to her advantage. She knew she didn't have enough practice with her gift, but as she continued to use it more and more, she was becoming more comfortable with it.

She observed as a small group of newborns turned on each other. She had manipulated their vision into believing that their companions were their enemies by shifting the appearance of the newborns in their heads. Rather proud at the large dent she created in the army, Lorelai decided it was time she properly joined the fight.

Seeing Stella fight for the first time was mesmerizing. She had a strategy of stopping and resuming time every few seconds, allowing her to confuse her enemy by running around them so that they never know which direction she's going in. She would simply reappear in a different spot every time.

Lorelai burst forward, drawing her fist back and smashing one of the newborns' skulls. She hissed in pain. How the fuck did Jasper make that look so effortless and badass?

Originally, Lorelai had wanted to stay with Bella, but she figured she'd be much more helpful in the arena, much to her own dismay. Lorelai hadn't really thought she would be much help at first, considering she'd never been in a fight her whole life. Perhaps with dying, her other senses were awakened, which allowed Lorelai to possess the reflexes required to fight.

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