04 | Finger-Lickin' Good

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RORY WAS ABSOLUTELY LIVID. She couldn't believe that after everything, after Sam Uley practically took her in when she was left to die alone, he was still willing to kill a human just to protect his stupid tribe. God, she just wanted to deck him right in the throat.

Jacob sat on the couch with the Olympic coven around him, listening very carefully. It seemed as though Jacob had abandoned his pack for the Cullens, which was certainly a table-turner. "Sam's lost the element of surprise," he explained. "He doesn't want to take you on outnumbered, so he's not gonna come at you head-on. He's got the place surrounded and he'll wait for his opportunity."

"He's a fucking moron," Rory snapped, irritated.

Emmett nodded from beside her. "He won't get through without a fight," he agreed.

"No fights," Carlisle told his adoptive son and future adoptive daughter. "We won't be the ones to break the treaty."

"The treaty is void," Jacob revealed, "at least in Sam's mind."

Esme didn't care. "Not in ours."

Emmett looked to his father. "Carlisle, no one's hunted for weeks."

Rory swayed from where she stood. "I-I can try to get the animals to come to the house," she suggested. "I've never tried it, but—"

"No," interrupted Esme. "We can make do for now."

Rory frowned. "I can help—"

Carlisle stood by her side and placed his hands on her shoulders, steadying the weakened girl. "Your work with your sister isn't done yet. You need to save your strength for the worst," he reminded her gently. With a sigh, Rory nodded. Carlisle looked to the werewolf. "You've done us a great service, Jacob. Thank you."

Rory glanced back at her boyfriend. She knew how insane he, or any of the others including herself, became when deprived of blood. That thought alone seemed to worry her immensely. While she wasn't a stranger to starving herself, that didn't mean it was ideal, especially in a situation where she needed to be strong and protect her sister.

If anything, she had to be kept fed if it meant she could manipulate Bella's body into thinking it wasn't experiencing as much pain as she was. Rory was afraid that it was the only thing that was really keeping Bella on her feet—or, in her case, her eyes open.

Tensions were high in the Cullen household after hearing what Sam's pack was planning. Jacob Black and the Clearwater siblings had officially left the Uley pack, which meant that they had lost all connections they had to the enemy.

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