They Laughed

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They laughed
A full laugh
Unlike yours
But this one was
Damp with mockery
They were laughing
At someone
And there I was,
Chuckling along
Mine sounded vacant,
But drowned out by the others
It sounded empty
I could almost compare it to yours
They laughed
And I along with them
At the words
That impacted the
Little freckled face
Blushing a deep crimson
More than anyone noticed.
I'm sorry
And so is my empty laugh
But I didn't want to take her place
I wasn't as strong as her
With minimal tears
On her blonde lashes
I would be drenched in my own
So I will keep within my empty laugh,
Similar to the ones I see roll off your own tongue
Until my charade is broken
Who would've thought
The boy who shared my vacant chuckle
Would be the one to make me stop

A/N: This one was once apart of a freeverses story I had on my wattpad, but later took it down. But I happen to like this one a little so here it is.

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