1 - Deny U

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Remember - when you are in Scott's head, the text is written in bold and cursive font.


"Are you kidding? You can't be serious!" I was desperate but Scott just used his typical smirk, which made me even more uncomfortable. This will be a nightmare for me and he obviously just doesn't care at all. "No! Stop it!" Scott start to tickle me as usual...

Do you know the feeling when you just love somebody so much that u want to kiss the person but in the same time, you sometimes want to slap the face from the same reason? That was my case right now.

"Mitch please! That is great idea! Why you don't want to shoot Deny U like that? Kids will love that! Imagine the rumors..." Another wide smile... And wink, of course...

When we were writing that stupid song, I thought he would finally notice. He will finally understand how I feel. This "platonic" relationship is killing me. Can I be more obvious? I even bite his hand during last live stream. His "Oh yeah, shit!" almost made me goosebumps.

Now he wants me to be as a main character in the video. That means, I will be singing, "Can't count the times that you crossed over the line and it don't get easier". Come on! Is he deaf? Lyrics were tricky and now I suppose to literally make them live?

"Why can't you sing about me instead? Will it be so different?!" I knew before I said so, that it doesn't have any sense. "You are singing the main line queen, so no way. Do it for me, please!" Oh no, not those puppy eyes. Scott looks like the golden retriever when he is bagging for something – will you resist the golden retriever? No? Me neither.

Shooting psychically drained me. I was so happy to be at home with the bottle of champagne, under the blanket at the sofa. I just want to chill to my favorite Doves in the wind with my headphones on, so I couldn't hear him, could I...

There he was, slip under my blanket. "Hey sis I wanna cuddle you look amazing!" "What the fuck Scott? Are u drunk? Just let me relax for God's sake!" Suddenly he was above me and his broad shoulders almost pin me to the leather. "This will be super relaxing baby, I promise" said Scott and gave mi a peck at my collarbone. I didn't want to reply to his lips as I did, because suddenly I moan. He looked in my eyes and I swear you could see hundreds of blue tones in them.

"Someone is horny. Why you didn't tell me Lulu? I could help a little" and he grabbed my ass and press his hips against mine. I just sight. Suddenly his gaze changed, his touches got smoother and I could feel the warm of his body, which was now like burning sun. "What are you..."

I couldn't let him to finish the sentence. I know he will try to stop me. I didn't want to. Not that night. He looked so vulnerable, hidden under the blanket, lost in music and visually exhausted. He was so hot that I just need to touch that perfect body no matter what. That moan changed everything. Have you heard the moan from that golden throat which has Mitch Grassi? You should, it would make you insane.

I grabbed his ass and boy oh boy how can he has an ass of size perfectly fitted in my hands? Another sight. OK, that's it, I am only a man not a robot. I bite him on the neck and I can feel sudden chill. I put him closer and tell to small lovely ears: "You are so beautiful Mitchy. I wish I can kiss you. I wish I can kiss every inch of your flawless body. I wish I can hear thousands of your moans..." Why I did say it? I knew what kind of reply I will hear.

"Than do it Scottybucket."

I didn't expect that answer...

Oh fuck. He stopped. Why? You have no idea how hard it was for me to made that offer.

"Mitch. I am sorry. I did't... Don't look like that at me! I... What? Where are you going?"

"I am done! I am so done with this madness! Fuck you Scott! Do you think that I am empty vase or a slut? What do u want? What do you really want? Because I can't continue like this anymore! I am too old to be just your best friend I can't wait anymore for you make up your mind... Talk to me! Give me the answer."

"Kissyboy I... You know why we can't... Why I can't. Please don't be mad at me. I lost you once I will not survive to lose you for the second time. It will kill me... I will never feel anything again: love, happiness, joy... I can't Mitchy. Please don't go away I am so sorry." Am I crying? Sure I am. I am such an idiot. Why am I lying? Why I am not honest with the most important person in my life?

"Scott I am sorry... We should take a break, try to behave as best friends and not as secret lovers... Because we aren't. Are we?" He was just sitting at sofa, head down and crying those giant tears. Every second of that silence was a hole to my heart. The silence was too long. My heart to leaky. I walked away and left half of my soul and heart in that room. This day is a nightmare. Someone please wake me up ASAP. Just wake me up...

He is gone. My soulmate left me. Left me? What have I done? I love you Mitch! I love you...


This story will not be written if I will not have long discussions with fcutemuc ! You are my muse and I act like messy Scotty sometimes ;) Thank u for your patience.

Thank you for your comments and votes. I am grateful and honored.

Us - The Mess // COMPLETEDTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon