14 - Be brave

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Scott's POV is written in bold and italic font.


I have a date. I have a date with Scott. I have a date with Scott Richard Hoying. D A T E... That can't be real! How can we go on a date? That will be weird. We know each other from forehead to toes. We have seen each other naked. We kissed. We cuddled. We actually have dated before and it ended as disaster. We didn't talk to each other for months after that...

I am scared. What if it will be awkward? What if we can't be boyfriends? What if I will feel like I am on a date with my brother? I don't have any, but you know, what I mean...

Besides that - why is Scott acting as we just met? It is confusing... Do you know what? I will just ask him. That is the best way, how to find out what is going on in his childish mind.


Mitch: Hi Scotty, are u here?

Scott: Yep. What's up?

M: I just wanna ask you something and please don't be mad...

S: Never!

M: Never ask you?

S: Noooo. Silly. I will never be mad at you. So?

M: Why did you act as if you don't know me at Starbucks?

S: I can't tell you...

M: I am not going.

S: That is extortion!

M: Yep.

S: Mitchy please! Just keep pretending with me. I really can't tell you - yet. P l e a s e!

M: You are such a child! It is... But I... Damn it! Ok Hoying! But only during the date.

S: That is all I was asking for. Thank you!

M: I am regretting it already.

S: I doubt that, my sassy queen. I have to go. See ya!

M: Sigh...


I am standing in front of the Mitch's house and I am nervous. I shouldn't be, because he is my best friend and he knows EVERYTHING about me already. But for no reason I feel, that this is a special moment. It feels different than I will pick up Mitch and go to some party or rehearsal.

It really feels like an actual date. I am finally going on a date with Mitchell Coby Michael Grassi. I know what do you think - hey Scotty you should do that months ago! ...

Don't be rude, maybe it wasn't "our" time, you know? I am more confident than before and I am surer what I really want. I want Mitch. I admit it. I love him so much, that it scared me in past. It is still scary sort of, but I have to fight for him. I have the feeling that this time it is now or never. The "never" is not an option, so... NOW!


M: "Hi Scott, you are right on time."

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