Chapter Ten

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"Wait, what?" I asked, completely floored by this new information. Felicity had a brother? A brother who clearly had Quileute blood? I'd imprinted on her. How did that even work?

"He said stepbrother," Emily offered, apparently trying to work the logistics herself.

New Guy—Kai—took a step back, a bit of trembling starting in his hands. "I don't know what's going on, but I haven't done a single thing to her. I haven't even seen Felicity since I got back. Why are you here, anyway?" He glanced at Leah, who was now clutching Eli's arm. "You stepping out on her? I warned her marrying you was a terrible idea. We all did."

Eli leaned forward, making his itch to punch Kai in the face even more obvious. "That's none of your business. You keep her name out of your fucking mouth!"

Leah moved her hands to his shoulders. "Elijah. Calm down."

His eyes met hers, softening the barest bit. "Trust me, he's a douche. I kind of feel sorry you guys will have to deal having him in your heads."

"Enough," Sam said. He shook his head in annoyance. "Let's move this conversation into the kitchen, where we can speak civilly. Cut it out with the curse words and name calling. We've got enough to deal with without infighting." And with that, he turned and strode toward the kitchen.

We all trickled in after him, Paul and Jared sticking close to Kai in case he lost his hold on serenity. His trembling seemed to have stopped completely, but with him being so new there was always change of a sudden mood swing. Some of us took chairs and others stood, but we all grabbed some of the food Emily had made. We'd have been crazy to let it go to waste.

Sam shoved two cookies into his mouth and swallowed before he said, "So he's Felicity's stepbrother. I'm assuming that means you two share no blood?"

Kai looked up from where he'd been focused on peeling the wrapped off a muffin. "I don't understand why she's so important." He cringed. "She doesn't do that weird thing, right? Tell me I won't have to hear her thoughts. That'd seriously suck."

Emily narrowed her eyes. "What's wrong with Felicity? She's so sweet."

Kai smirked. "You don't know her very well, do you?"

"He's self-centered," Eli broke into their exchange, which was good because New Guy was really starting to work my nerves. "Was an only child until his mom married Felicity's dad. He's been bitter about it ever since and takes it out on City by making her feel like shi—trash."

Kai's hand dropped heavily to the table. "You don't know what you're talking about."

"Right," Eli snorted. "I was only married to her."

"Not relevant," Sam said. "One thing at a time. First, explain the relation."

Kai rolled his eyes. "Whatever. Felicity's mom died when she was six, her dad married my mom when we were eight, and then to make us a big happy family they changed my last name, too." He paused. "We've never discussed it in depth, because my mom hates talking about it, but I'm pretty sure my dad was Quileute. He didn't stick around, though, so I'm not certain."

"Another Uley baby?" Jared asked the room at large.

Paul ran a hand down his face, sighing. "Either that or my drunk of a father. He doesn't look anything like Sam."

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