Chapter Eleven

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I stood frozen, unsure what to do or say. Eli had told me Kai was back, but I hadn't expected to run into him quite yet. What were the odds that he was friends with Eli's new girlfriend, too?

Realizing I was standing there like an idiot, I made a snap decision on how to act—nonchalant. "Hey," I said, as if my mind wasn't in the midst of a freak out.

Kai rolled his eyes. As he opened his mouth to respond, Sam cautioned, "Don't be an asshole."

Kai's mouth snapped closed.

"Great," Paul said. "So what's the plan?" He was practically bouncing on his toes, though his expression was serious.

Sam's eyes shifted between Paul and me for a moment before asking, "Where is Jacob?"

Now it was Paul's turn to roll his eyes, grabbing my arm as he did and leading me to a chair since we were still standing in the doorway. I'd been to distracted by my stepbrother being here to walk further into the room. "Do you really need to ask?" was Paul's answer.

Apparently it was enough of a response because Sam just sighed, then moved on. "The plan is for Kai to stay here. Inside. Seth will stay outside, close."

Kai's brow furrowed. "Why?"

"Why what?" Paul asked, clearly frustrated. What was going on that was so serious it had Paul getting intense? He was one for laughs, with the slightly-less-than-often rise of temper.

Kai didn't even glance at Paul, instead directing his words to Sam. "Why do I have to stay here? Isn't whatever shit is going on more—"

"No," Sam cut him off, his tone firm.

"But—" Kai tried to argue.

"No," Sam said again, his firm voice now hinting at a growl. "There is nothing more important than your job. That's why you're not the only one doing it—Seth is, too. So stay here, inside, with the girls. Got it?"

I wanted so badly to ask what was going on. There was clearly a situation. The way Sam spoke, it was a situation that meant I Of some sort. It made no sense at all to me, and I needed someone to explain—but Sam was obviously one question away from flipping the f out, so I left it. For now.

Kai mumbled, "Sure."

With that weak agreement, Sam continued, "Seth will be here, outside. Make a circuit." He looked at the boy I assumed was Seth. The boy was tall. And on his way to built, though he certainly qualified as muscular right now. All that gave him away as a boy was his slightly rounded baby face. At the rate he seemed to be growing, I'd have bet he'd lose the roundness within a year, however.

Unlike Kai, Seth didn't argue. He simply nodded. "Okay."

"Everyone else—" Sam started.

But he was interrupted when the front door opened, causing all of us to turn our heads toward the kitchen entrance. No sooner did all our eyes make it their than none other than Bella Swan walked in.

With Jacob trailing right behind.

Of course.

Something twisted in my stomach, but I ignored the feeling. Jacob said he wanted to be my friend no matter what. That didn't mean he couldn't be friends with Bella, too. And really, I wouldn't be any better than her if I tried to dictate who else he spent time with. So I'd act cool.

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