twenty eight

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"I tell my love to wreck it all."
-Skinny Love, Birdy/Bon Iver

I wake to the sun's rays smoothing over my face from the large windows of the infirmary. My eyes inching open, I wince at the cramp in my back from lying forward in my chair to rest my head on the edge of Jasper's bed.

I stretch my arms above my head, gazing around to see some of the other students are sitting up in their beds, eating breakfast happily from trays on their laps. I see a girl with rich red hair chugging down some orange juice with one arm, her other arm locked in a thick white cast.


I turn around to see Jasper smiling at me with that heart-warming smile. The one that puts butterflies in my stomach.

"Sleep okay?" I ask, running my fingers through my hair to try and smooth it out. Jasper is the last person I want to see me with bedhead. Especially since he woke up looking like a Greek god.

"Best sleep in a while."

I smile weakly, remembering I need to tell him about how I feel about him and Alec. He has a right to know, but he's in such a good mood, even after what happened with Jacob. I don't want to ruin it, but it'd be selfish to keep it from him any longer.

Like I said last night, I don't want anything to hurt him. Not even me.

He notices my change in mood, and frowns, confused. "Are you okay?"

I hesitate.

"Jasper," I start, giving up on my hair and sitting forward in my seat. "I need to talk to you about something."

He sits up a little, and nods for me to continue.

"I—I feel like..." I fumble for the right words. "I like—"

Before I can finish, we are interrupted by a new voice beside us. "Morning."

I turn to look up, and find the need to swallow a huge rock sitting in my throat when I see Alec staring back down at me.

"Alec. Here to break another rib?" Jasper asks, raising his eyebrows.

Alec rolls his eyes and folds his arms across his broad chest. "Don't be so melodramatic, pretty boy. I'm not here to watch your dramatics."

"Then why are you here?" Jasper snaps.

"To apologise."

I need to retake.

Alec. Apologise to Jasper.

"I'm not buying it."

"I'm not asking you to. But I think you should at least hear it," Alec replies casually, and I notice a thin cut beside his right eye. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have broken your rib."

Jasper shoots me a disbelieving look, before frowning at Alec, waving him off. "Whatever."

"Jasper," I warn sternly. This is obviously difficult for Alec to do. I mean, I would find it hard to apologise if I was in Alec's position.

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