bonus chapter <3

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Okay. Here goes.
I'm sat in my bedroom at 9:47 pm and something occurred to me. Crazed Minds is at two thousand (+) reads. Like - what??
Basically, I started writing on wattpad because my mind was too full for me to do anything productive, which in turn meant I was always bored. So, I thought. Why not put what was going on in my head - my fears, my dreams, my worries (and also some boredom) - into writing?
I didn't intend for this many people to actually read it. AND VOTE TOO! You guys are so freaking amazing I can't thank you enough for all the love.
So, I want to give you this bonus chapter as a thank you.
I love you all.
Eva :)

The snow came down slowly at first. Like it was testing out deeper waters. Then it came down in stormy sheets, throwing a large white blanket over Redwood Academy.

Of course, snow only meant one thing: snowball fights. And bearing in mind the fact that some of these kids had literally killed people, I had enough common sense to stay inside as to avoid a snowball breaking my skull.

A lot of kids had left for home for Christmas break, but my parents had agreed with Rosa - the name still sent nervous chills down my arms - before I'd arrived at Redwood that I needed to stay, at least for the first year.

I didn't have a problem with that.

It was actually quite nice spending Christmas at Redwood. Alec has gone home to spend the holidays with his dad, after asking me numerous times if I wanted to go with him. I declined, but spending some alone time with Alec didn't seem so bad, come to think of it. However, it had been two weeks and I missed him undoubtably.

Most of the others - Sky, Daniel and their friends, and Molly - had all gone home too. So that left me, Seth and a few others. It was nearing the end of the holidays, and they should be returning soon for January, but the arrival dates were unclear. Something about surprises put me in the festive spirit.

Suddenly, a loud bang on my window made me jump, startling the pen out of my hand and dropping onto my math homework.

I turned to see the window was covered with a thick clump of snow that slipped slowly back to the ground, leaving a wet patch behind on the glass.

I stood from my seat and opened the window wide enough to look out, glancing around the floor. Spotting a certain tall, blond comedian behind one of the trees, I quickly shovelled some snow from the window ledge into my hands and threw it at the tree.

Just as I threw it, Seth jumped out from his hiding spot and the snowball landed straight in his face. I burst out laughing as he groaned and wiped his face.

"What was that for?" he whined, wiping excess snow from his red, puffy coat.

"Stop sulking. It's the festive season, and you know Santa doesn't give presents to miserable children like you," I joked, resting my arms on the window sill and smiling down at him.

"He also doesn't give presents to malicious children like you," Seth retorted, making me laugh. "And Christmas was three days ago." Truth was, Seth and I had grown a lot closer after spending pretty much every day together, and it had made my break a lot less horrific.

"Are you here to torment me, or have you got something useful to say?"

"Your mum's here," he called.

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