Chapter 1

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I've been disadvantaged from the start
He constricted the veins heading straight to my head, 
Rerouted the blood to my heart instead
I am braindead, 
Thinking strictly in blues and reds.
Oh, I'm in enough trouble man, 
Oh man, I'm in trouble again
Cause everyone's ears are watching me, 
And I never, ever felt that this would be 
Anything more than a makeshift personal I.V.
'Cause I fall three times as hard
If it's for nothing at all
You all seem twice as tall as I will ever be.-Envy On The Coast, Starving Your Friends

Sage's Pov.

I work at Starbucks manning the machines, doing all the hard work while Stacy got to do all the easy stuff; all she had to do was dress like a hooker. Her skirt was so short when she put on her apron you couldn't even tell it was there.

She had blonde hair, which surprisingly was natural. I don’t believe in the dumb blonde stereotypes because I know some people who are blonde, and they are very smart. She claimed she hated pink so she decided to always wear a bright purple every day. To males she was very pretty; attractive to most guys with a common eye. I on the other hand was her total opposite.

I always wore jeans, my huge glasses, and a regular t-shirt. I wasn’t ugly, just ordinary. Stacy was rich, only working here so that she wouldn’t be cut off. I worked here because I had to. I've worked here for four years now, ever since the beginning of college.

Even though I strived in school to get good grades for the scholarships, I almost got a full ride. Except for my last year, which was this year.  I would have to pay and we just couldn't afford it.

All my college funds went towards my brother's hospital bills, and I don’t regret it because he was only eight and in and out of the hospital a lot. Anyway, I shouldn’t focus on my poverty situation. I have to work.

The door opened and our regular customer walked in. He was obviously attractive; any woman could see that, with his dark black hair and his green eyes. I always paid attention to him; I mean I was a girl. How could I not? He came in here every day and you couldn’t get sick of a face like his.

He ordered his usual and I always added extra whip cream for him, because it’s how he likes it. But he's nothing but a hot guy, who wants nothing but into a girl's pants, and I'm not willing to give that to him. Plus I want my guy to be smart, educated, with a good future. Not some good-looking user, who depends on having a trust fund from their rich parents, I needed someone like me.

Hours later I was fired. It was about ten o'clock at night and it was getting dark.

Stay calm Sage, just stay calm, you will find a way through this. Why? Why would this happen to me? I had at least a hundred dollars in the bank. I could pay fifty towards the hospital and pray that they don’t make me pay more, then forty towards the Electric bill, and then ten towards some generic store brand foods.

My little brother would be so disappointed. His birthday was in a month and all he wanted was a birthday party; no presents, nothing just a normal party that his friends can come to, with cake and I couldn’t give that to him.

If only I could’ve gone to college for this last year, I would’ve been able to get a great job, as being a business assistant. But it's not point in crying, I'm going to be a loser scraping for the rest of my life.

I'm never going to get a boyfriend, not because of my face, because that was okay; but because my clothes and my glasses.  

Now I was sitting on the curb crying my eyes out. I’m not usually the one to take pity on myself but this was all I had. My mom worked and so did I, to make ends meet.

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