Chapter Ten

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Noah looked down at Kaya's note for the fifth time, the parchment now wrinkled from the many times he had crumpled it with the intention to throw it away. He couldn't bring himself to do it though, which he knew was ridiculous; a piece of paper from a stranger should mean nothing.

But Kaya hadn't been a stranger, he knew that. Regardless of the doubt that Addius and Felix had, Noah trusted his instincts.

'It's for the best,' Felix had told Noah, once he revealed the note.

'Typical,' Addius had muttered, though it had been more in reference to the stolen horse than Kaya's unannounced departure.

Now, as Noah sat astride his horse, he tried to figure out a way that he might track Kaya down again. If his suspicions about where she had been the last eight years were correct, then Noah knew where she was heading and where he could find her. Getting close enough to do that, however, was going to be difficult.

Noah caught Felix glancing at him for the umpteenth time, uncharacteristically at a loss for words, while Addius' mood had noticeably improved ever since he learned that Kaya had left. They travelled in calm silence along the Guarded Road which followed the border, and ahead Noah noticed the familiar bend in the Road that told him they were nearing the crossroads that separated the Guarded Road from Varalyn's Path, which was the main route winding through the House of Wind's territory before joining the Guarded Road beyond each border.

But as they came around the bend, Noah saw a lone horse grazing along the grass that edged the Road where a large tree had fallen to block the Road entirely. Felix and Addius, who were a few paces ahead of Noah, regarded the scene before Addius said, 'It appears the local bandits are becoming more brazen, to set up such a trap so close to a town and imperial watchtower. They didn't even bother taking their target's horse.'

'So long as they don't do the same on Varalyn's Path,' Felix added, before he and Addius split from the Guarded Road to head into the House of Wind.

But Noah didn't follow. He gave his horse a gentle nudge and moved into a canter toward the lone horse.

'Noah!' Felix called, a sudden clambering of hooves filling the air as he and Addius moved quickly to follow him.

Noah swung down from the saddle, and the lone horse whickered uneasily as Noah approached it. He moved slowly, his hands raised in placation, and as he gently took the horse's reins he gave it a calming pat along its neck. His eyes roamed the saddle until he found a small insignia stitched into the leather skirt, which Noah recognised as the same insignia that had been embroidered along the linen and painted into the cutlery at the Yularen inn they stayed at.

'This is the horse Kaya stole,' Noah murmured.

Felix was inspecting the base of the fallen tree. 'It's definitely been cut down. You don't think Kaya was attacked by bandits, do you?'

'She could have simply abandoned the horse to continue on foot,' Addius offered, still atop his horse as he surveyed the scene, his markings shifting indecisively. 'Regardless, she isn't our responsibility, Noah.'

No, she's my responsibility, Noah thought, and he felt his palm warm beneath his glove and bandages.

Then he heard it; a sharp ting of two blades glancing off each other. It was so faint he was surprised he had heard it at all, as if the wind itself had picked up the sound just to carry it the distance to him. One look at Felix and Addius told Noah they hadn't heard it.

Noah returned to his horse, only to unbuckle his sword that he had strapped to the saddle.

'What are you doing?' said Addius sharply.

A Storm of Chaos (The Hunter Legacy #1)Where stories live. Discover now