a stressful night

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bill let out a frustrated sigh. it was 11 pm on a thursday night and all he wanted to do was sleep.

he was sitting at his desk in his bedroom, studying over and over again for the biology test he had the next day. yet, he felt like he did not know any of the information he was supposed to know.

his boyfriend, stanley, was sleeping over. he was supposed to help him study, but he got too tired and went to sleep in bill's bed.

bill looked over at the curly haired boy, breathing soundly. the conscious boy wished he could be there, cuddling him, but he had too much studying to do.

he tried to memorize more definitions, but he ended up letting out a defeated huff. bill's chest began to overwhelm with anxiety. he knew he was going to fail.

oh shit, he thought. this was going to ruin everything for him. his average, what others expected of him, and he will become more of a disappointment to his parents...

bill's eyes began to water as he wiped the little tears away with his hands and tried to study more. then, he just full on gave up. his head dropped on his desk and he started to sob, his chest beginning to heave.

he was just so fed up with biology.

bill's erratic breathing is what woke stan up. the once sleeping boy stretched and quickly became awake from all the gasping noises. he checked the time on bill's small electronic clock. 11:13 pm, it read.

he looked up to see bill, curled up in his chair and his head still on his desk.

"bill? sweetheart, what's the matter?" stan asked, softly. he learned from past experiences that being gentle was better than being harsh. he also knew calling bill a pet name would help because it made him feel loved.

bill looked up, his pale face all blotchy and red, to see his boyfriend looking at him with a concerned look on his face. stan wiped a tear on his cheek and began to rub his back, slowly.

"i'm-m guh-guh-go-ing tu-to fa-fail th-the bi-bi-ology t-test," he said, his stuttering being far worse than usual. his tears had stopped falling, but he was still sniffling.

"no, you're not. if you stay up any longer you might," stan responded with a slight smile. "you love biology too much to fail it. trust me."

bill nodded and got up from his desk chair. stan enveloped him a long, warm hug before they walked to bill's bed.

the worn out boy curled up and snuggled into his boyfriend's chest while stan wrapped his strong, protective arms around him.

*one week later*

"h-hey stuh-stan! i g-got 100%!"

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