clumsy boy

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"o-ow!" bill hissed. stan has bill sitting on the counter with his knee in the sink to run warm water over his injuries, following the wikihow instructions carefully.

"it's not my fault i'm causing you this pain. you should try to be more careful next time while you walk. you know, try not to trip over the curb," stan said, sighing.

it was a sunny tuesday and the two boys were going to get their traditional first-day-of-spring ice cream from the shop in derry. unfortunately, they were not able to due to bill's accident which lead them straight back to stan's house. the graceful boy honestly thought his awkward boyfriend was cute when he was clumsy, but it had never gone that far.

"suh-suh-sorry," the hurt boy said. bill looked at the ground, trying to ignore the sting.

stan began to gently scrub his boyfriend's knee with soap to get the excess dirt out of the skin surrounding the cuts.

"it's fine i guess. i was just really looking forward to going to get ice cream with you since it's our tradition to get ice cream on the first day of spring" stan said, frowning slightly and trying to focus more on wounds.

"the-there is-s st-still t-t-time!" bill tried to say enthusiastically, but failing. he pointed to his black watch on his left wrist which read 7:31 pm.

"no, we can't bill. we always go at six thirty in the evening and then head home at seven. everything has to be perfect and exactly like it is every single year. can't you understand that?" stan said, his ocd slowly taking over. the boy began to scrub at bill's knee harder.

"stuh-stan! stuh-stop! you're hurting me" bill said with his eyes wide open and trying to slap stan's hand away.

the golden curled haired boy immediately stopped his actions, just realizing he was causing his boyfriend pain.

"stuh-stan. wuh-we c-can stuh-still go. i pro-promise it wuh-will b-be o-okay" bill said carefully and slowly embracing stan.

"okay. just promise me you won't hurt yourself his time" stan said, rubbing his hand in bill's hair.

"i promise."

(sorry about how short this is)

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