Chapter 6

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Ahh, it makes me sad to think that this is the second to last chapter of this book.

Hope you enjoy this! I think this is my favorite chapter so far.


♪ Chapter 6  ♫

For the rest of the day, I stayed in my room, going over the material for my second chance at a first day.

When the sun began to set and hues of light violet and pick shone on the blank white walls, Elizabeth and Nicole knocked on my door.

I looked up from the literature book I had been skimming through just as Elizabeth strut through the door with Nicole following behind her.

Nicole had her fringe pulled back with her glasses perched on her head so her heart-shaped face and her emerald eyes were in view. Nicole was wearing a baggy t-shirt with a picture of huge chunky glasses on them with baggy pajama pants.

Elizabeth had her hair pinned up on her head messily with strands falling out every which way. Her large dark brown eyes were narrowed as she stared at me, which had me flinching back and pulling into myself. She was dressed in more casual clothes with a large off the shoulder baggy tee and shorts. She had her hands on her hips.

“Where were you today, missy? Huh? We were waiting for you for over half-an-hour at lunch before we figured out you weren’t there.” Elizabeth asked me.

Nicole stood at her side, her cheeks flushed, staring at the ground as she obviously awaited my answer.

I took a deep breath before answering. “I went to first period but because of an unfortunate event, I had to leave.” I hardened my wall and stared straight at Elizabeth, daring her to ask me more.

Elizabeth huffed at me, displeased.

“Are you alright?”

My eyes drifted over to see Nicole’s emerald eyes shining with concern. My wall softened a bit at the look.

“Yes, I’m fine now. Thanks Nicole.”

Elizabeth huffed again and stomped out of the room.

Nicole rolled her eyes delicately and stepped closer to my cluttered bed.

“Elizabeth means well, I promise. She is just not used to having someone withhold information from her. You know Elizabeth, the Gossip Girl.”

I smiled up at her.

Nicole nodded at the bed where I had ten different textbooks spread out with my borrowed violin and bow by my feet and notes and a tape recorder surrounding me.

“You need some help?”

I smiled, a little embarrassed, as I nodded.

Nicole giggled and picked up all of the books and set them aside. She laid the violin and the bow across the stack of books and picked up the tape recorder.

Nicole tossed it to me and said, “Here, you’re going to need that.” she winked at me.

For another three hours, Nicole went over everything I needed to know for my second “first day of school”.

The next day, I was prepared. I found myself in Adam’s class early the next morning.

When I pushed open the door to the classroom, Adam threw me a smile.

Soon the class began to fill with students that all stopped to stare at me for a moment before continuing to their seats.

After a few minutes, Daniel walked through the door and his eyes met mine.

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