How Do We STOP It?

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Now that we have explored many different aspects of climate change, it's time to address the big, looming question that is undoubtedly sitting in the back of everyone's minds:

What can we do about it?

In fact, the answer to this question is quite simple. While tackling complex issues like climate change, global warming and rising CO2 levels might seem daunting and undoable, there are many things that ordinary people like me and you can do in our lives to save this planet.

1. Talk about it.

This book was written as a result of a school project because we (the authors) wanted to explore more about these issues and do something about it. We wanted to reach out to the Wattpad community in hopes that someone, somewhere, will read this book and learn about the REAL problems that our world faces today.

But you don't need to write an entire book in order to spread the word about climate change, global warming, and rising CO2 levels. In fact, simply talking about it to friends and family is enough to make a difference. Although this might seem small and insignificant, remember that telling even one person about these issues is better than telling no one at all.

2. Recycle more and recycle less.

We know that the title of this method seems like a direct contrast againsgt each other. How can we recycle more and recycle less at the same time?

Well, it's quite simple, really. If you are currently not recycling much of your trash, then start recycling! This is what we mean by "recycle more." Before being able to recycle less, we must first learn how to recycle more. We need to learn to be mindful of our trash and to learn what can be recycled and what can't be.

Once you've mastered the "recycle more" step, however, it's time to take it one step further – it's time to recycle less.

Don't get it wrong – recycling is a great way to help the environment but remember the first 'R' in the phrase 'Reduce, Reuse, Recycle'...we need to reduce our waste, even recyclable ones.

Watch out for excess packaging during your next trip to the grocery store. Products usually come packaged in plastic – too much plastic. Even if your grocery bag is reusable, the plastic packaging is not. A great way to cut excess packaging out of your life is to make your own products. Make your own fresh juice instead of buying a jug. Make your own organic toothpaste rather than buying them from the store. Make your own cleaning supplies instead of recycling plastic tubs and bottles. There are hundreds of useful internet guides that will help you create your own products and reduce the waste in the world.

3. Stop wasting water.

When people talk about how to fight against climate change, solutions such as 'turn off the lights' and 'recycle' are common, but 'stop wasting water' is not often heard. However, water plays a large role in the production of carbon emissions – which leads to greenhouse gases and climate change. By reducing water waste, we're helping to lower the amount of energy and money used to treat and pump our water.

Ways that everyone can stop wasting water are taking shorter showers – the United State Environmental Protection Agency (or EPA) recommends 5 minutes – and turning the tap off when brushing your teeth. 

4.Eco-friendly Transportation – Electric Vehicles/Bicycles.

If I suggest you to take more public transportation and having less private transportation, I guess lots of people would turn back and go away. Many reasons are there for that which even I have to agree; for instance, if your workplace is in some kind of private sector where three kilometers around it are secured and no public transportation provided to there, then I guess you have to have a car to take you there. Moreover, what if your work is at night and you have to be there at 2 a.m.? I guess you will have to have a private transportation too.

Well, there is also a way that you can have a private transportation and be being an eco-friendly/eco-caring person: having an electric vehicle or a bicycle. Electric vehicles and bicycles produce 0 carbon dioxide emission and they are quite convenient as there are intellectual people as Elon Musk who is trying to improve these technologies. It is even better than taking public transportation everyday as it also contributes to the carbon dioxide emission.

In brief, there are many ways to reduce the effect of climate change, global warming and carbon dioxide emission. Not only the ones motioned above but also your own ones – What are you going to choose to do?

Work Cited:

"Top 10 Ways You Can Stop Climate Change." David Suzuki Foundation,

"Have You Tried the Five Minute Shower Challenge?" The Eco Guide, 18 Sept. 2016,

Denchak, Melissa. "How You Can Stop Global Warming." NRDC, 16 Apr. 2018,

"Help & Advice." South Staffs Water,

EPA, Environmental Protection Agency,

"Transportation Case Studies." EPA, Environmental Protection Agency, 1 May 2017,

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