Chapter 22 "Guns Blazing"

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I glared sharply at the woman in front of me while the principal was rambling behind her, completely oblivious about the tension between us. Well, I honestly didn't care about her, only  Red who looked amused by my expression. She strode towards me and I readied myself for whatever she was planning to do. It caught me off guard when she spread her arms and engulfed me in a sudden hug, saying how she missed me at the same time. I almost pushed her away as it didn't feel right hugging her but I restrained myself, playing along with her little game since we weren't alone in the room.  

"Oh it's been long Red..." I said forcing a fake smile as we pulled apart, holding her hands in front. It may not looked like it but I was gripping her hands a little too tight, "...what brings you here?" She tried pulling her hands free as she smiled but I didn't let them go until Mrs. Meyer stepped to the side with a curious look written on her face. 

She tugged her hands again and this time I let her go as I didn't want Madam Principal to notice. 

"I miss you dear cousin," she stated, her voice a little strained but her smile still visible in her face.

Madam Principal cleared her throat, making Red and I turned to her."I'm sorry to interrupt but I'm afraid I have to step out for a bit. I'll be right back Ms. Reddington and we can talk about business."

Reddington huh!

Red beamed at her, "Of course Mrs. Meyers. I'll be here waiting."

As soon as the principal was out of sight, I immediately wrapped my fingers around her throat and pushed her on the principal's table, shaking some things off to the floor. I was now hovering above her while her upper body was on top of the table and even in the situation she was in, she managed to smirk making me tighten the hold on her neck.

"Ugh...s-someone's touchy," she groused flippantly.

"What are you doing here?" I asked through gritted teeth. After what she did a few nights ago, I wouldn't let my guard down around her anymore, she was like any others, dangerous and I took her lightly which was my mistake.

"You know, you can be civil in asking me," she challenged. It took an ounce of will for me to let her go and stepped back, giving her some space. She chuckled, rubbing her neck before sitting down on the same table.

I took a deep breath to calm my nerves and spoke, "Reddington huh, is that your last name?"

She snorted, "No and maybe if we're close enough, I might tell you my name."

I shook my head and crossed my arms over my chest. "That won't happen. What do you want Red?"

"I just want to see how you're doing, and seeing you now, I think you're fine. I admit, you almost had me there, putting a tracker on my sister really was a cunning move, but eventually, I figured it all out."

I frowned and tilted my head, "Sister?"

She snorted, "You don't know?...Oh right I forgot to tell you, Eleanor is my sister or Elle as you all know her," she said, rolling her eyes. To say I was surprised was an understatement. It all made sense now, Elle wasn't merely her acquaintance but her sister, and thinking about it, I could now see the resemblance between them. How could I missed this one?

"Is Elle part of the Red Circle?" I managed to ask after a moment of silence.

She smirked as she stood up and walked towards me, stopping in armslength. "Yes and in case you're wondering, she's also the white-masked girl you fought... but I think you all knew that already. Just saying," she rambled, shrugging.

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