Chapter 27 "Let The Game Begin"

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Third Person P.O.V

As Violet slowly laid Olivia's unconscious body to the ground, she turned to look at The Mother who looked amused as they met gazes. It was weird to see The Mother's face again, closer at that, after all the years had passed. She never wanted to cross path with her again if the circumstances were different.

"I must say, I'm impressed," The Mother spoke as she drew closer, "I never thought you would go through with your plan, considering you looked uncertain when you approached me days ago."

Violet retained her neutral expression even if she wanted to smack the woman in the face, "I held my end of our bargain, now I want you to hold up yours," she said seriously, causing the woman to laugh hysterically. If Violet hadn't known her better, she would have been insulted at how she laughed at her but instead of feeling that way, she patiently waited for the woman to compose herself as she didn't want to ruin her only chance of becoming a Red Circle.

"You haven't changed Violet. You still make me laugh so hard," The Mother said teary-eyed.

"I wonder which part was funny," Violet retorted.

"The fact that you killed your friend to be a Red Circle, which, in that matter, I remember how you despised becoming one of us long time ago."   

"I've changed and I just proved it," Violet said, gesturing to Scarlett's body. The Mother briefly glanced at the lifeless body and remembered the disappointment of still not knowing the Coxs whereabouts. Scarlett knew their location but she wasn't able to coax the information out of her because Violet had to put her down.

"No, you failed Violet. You killed the only one who knew the Coxs' location." The statement caused Violet to clench her jaw and curled her hands into fist, thinking what she did wasn't easy but she did it anyway and yet she still failed in her eyes.

"Killing her was hard but I had to do it. You don't know Scarlett like I did and I knew she would stop at nothing to take down the Red Circle. You should be thanking me instead because I got rid of the one person that could take you down... And if you just consider, I can assure you that if you'll have me...I will bring the Coxs to you."

The boss raised her brow, seeing the determination in Violet's eyes. She admitted, she liked the change in her. She was different and had grown so much since the last time she saw the young girl. Even if she didn't want to admit it herself, deep down, she truly missed her Violet.

"Okay Violet, I'll give you a chance, if you'll answer my question."

"What is it?" she asked eagerly.

"After all these years...why decide to join us? Why now?" Violet thought for a moment. She had her reasons but there was only one thing she could tell to The Mother.

"I realized I made a huge mistake for running away. I shouldn't have done that, I shouldn't have abandoned you and I truly regret it...that's why I like to make it up to you if you'll let me...Mom." Violet bit back her lower lip as the word tasted foreign in her mouth. It has been a long time since she called her mom and it weirded her out.

Hearing her daughter said the 'mom' word, The Mother couldn't help but smile. Before Violet ran away, she was her only life, the one she cared for the most, after her brother died. So when her daughter left, she had been devastated. She searched for her, for months and yet she couldn't find her, until her hunger for revenge overcame her, making her forget the pain of losing her daughter. But now her daughter was back. Even though seeing her again made her happy, she still couldn't trust her, after all, why would she come back now?

The Mother smiled, "I miss hearing you call me that."

"And I miss calling you 'Mom'.

The Mother wanted to hug her daughter but she decided not to for she didn't want to show that she was somewhat happy at her comeback, instead, she just flashed a small smile before averting her attention to some of her guards who were standing in the distance, waiting for her instructions. 

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