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Thanks everyone for the two thousand reads! Allahu akbar!  ^___^

Is it just me or Isaac's words in the previous chapter keep on repeating on your mind too? <3

Chapter Fifteen: Promise Me


"Hey Fatima, RM has been MIA for a week now. Does he still have the flu?" Kenny, our Student Council President asked me as we were getting ready for the session.

:"Hmm, maybe. But I will visit him after today's meeting. I would let him know of the house bill approved by the board," I told Kenny.

We started the meeting and I couldn't shake off the fear inside me. This morning, I received a very weird text from RM. I grabbed my phone from the table and read it again.

"Thanks for everything," the text message said.

It maybe just random or nothing but when I dialed his number, his phone was switched off. Why do I get this feeling that RM is saying goodbye to me? His Mom died last month and he didn't look that hurt or grieving. He even kept on saying it was for the best that his drug addict Mom passed away because of overdose.

"Now I can live without worrying about her," he said after the funeral.

Not wanting to have regrets in the end, and trusting my own gut feeling, I stood up and the President, Vice President and my fellow seven senators looked at me in surprised.

"I cannot be in today's meeting. There's been an emergency. I have to go," I apologized, carrying my binder and putting on my knapsack.

I ran towards the exit gate and hailed a taxi cab. I gave the driver RM's address and tried calling his number again. Still it was switched off.

After 30 minutes, I arrived at the familiar subdivision. I ran towards his house, not minding the stares of the passerby. I knocked at his door so loudly.

"RM, are you there? Open up! Open this door! I need to talk to you," I yelled.

"Go away Fatima," he yelled back.

"What? No, whatever it is you are going through. I am here for you. So open the door right now."

He didn't answer anymore.

I kicked the door and of course, I am just a skinny girl, so it was to no avail. Still I kicked and kicked. I look at his windows and they were made of glass. I looked for a big stone. Finding one by the flower pot, I got ready to throw it to the window so I could open the door knob.

"Rapmon, I am going to throw a big stone at your window so I could open this door. Move back if you are near the window or just stay in the kitchen."

Still no sound from him, making me panic even more. Without a second thought, I threw the stone and it made a heavy crashing sound. The window broke and I'm guessing his glass table in the living room too. I put my hand inside the window, on searched for the door knob then I hurriedly opened it. I entered his house and searched for him.

"Rapmon! Rapmon!" I called out as I made my way from the living room to the kitchen, to the dining room and then to his bedroom which was halfway open.

IAs soon as I got inside his room, I saw him sitting on his bed with a razor on his right hand ready to cut the vein on his left wrist. I instantly went to him and grab the razor as it bled my fingers.

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