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Chapter Thirty – Two: Four Questions to Answer

Isaac's POV

I was angry but I kept on uttering Allah's name mentally that I was able to stop myself from launching myself towards the boys to punch each one of them. As we ended the Isha prayer, I tried to smile as we left the prayer room. The boys seem to be in a good mood, since they didn't see me trying to stop their foolish whims.

But it was that – foolish. Foolish when she will be mine soon. And for Jin to say that Fatima belongs to them too since she is their girl and that was the agreement, I truly commend myself for not beating the smug on his face.

I am an arrogant person when it comes to Fatima. I am jealous. I am possessive. And I can be violent. But beyond all that, I am a slave of Allah and a follower of the sunnah. So yes I shall bear patience. In less than three weeks, we will be wed and in shaa Allah, all these foolishness can stop.

Someone held my arm, making me stop walking. It was Suga.

"Can we talk?" he asked with a calm voice.

His eyes no longer held anger the way it did this morning at my office.

"Sure," I answered.

Suga entered his office and I followed him. We both sat at his light green couch.

"First of all, I apologize for the way I behaved this morning," he started.

"Apology accepted," I simply said.

"Second, don't do that again," he said with a serious warning tone.

I sat up comfortably, resting my back, crossing my arms.

"Enlighten me what I shouldn't do again," I challenged him.

"Being alone with her, like that," he answered, with a piercing gaze.

I nodded before answering.

"Yeah I shouldn't have done it. I ... well, I wanted to ... no... there's no excuses for a wrong deed done other than my own evil soul," I admitted.

I shifted from my seat, sighed heavily then stare at the ceiling while my neck rested on the edge of the couch.

"I did not expect things to go out of hand like this, nor did I expect you being foolishly into my fiancée," I said in a frustrated heavy tone.

Suga cleared his throat, stood up and went to the blinds of his office. He started pulling off the blinds until the glass wall was visible. The lights of the far off city seemed to be colored shimmering lights.

Silence wrapped us both. Both of us perhaps thinking of how to go back to propriety and moderation. When Fatima is in danger or hurt, we men just lose it. The only thing that stopped me from hurting those women was remembering how the Prophet (s.a.w) treated women well, even the relative who placed dirt on his doorstep every day, even the woman who mutilated the dead body of his Uncle.

"She's worried. She can't sleep," Suga said.

Suga once told me that he has this strange ability to feel her emotions. I don't believe it a bit. I mean I never read in any hadith about one being able to feel the heart of another. But only Allah knows the unseen. And HE alone knows best. It could be possible or pure coincidence. But then again in this life, there is no such thing as coincidence. Everything is predestined. And that includes even Suga standing there and me sitting here are all pre – written by Allah Azza Wajal.

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