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I was sitting in my room with Neil and Knox, when Lucy appeared.

Neil, being protective, was hesitant to leave, but I slowly nodded and he and Knox left us alone.

After her apologizing, I realized that I may have overreacted. After all, she was just being friendly...

"Hey, do you wanna sneak out later? I saw a diner a few blocks away," she asked as we sat side by side on my bed.

I was hesitant at first, but decided if I was going to forgive her, I had to start acting like it.

"Why not?" I asked rhetorically, causing the smirk on Lucy's face to grow even wider, as we agreed to meet in a half an hour.

Suddenly I started feeling incredibly guilty. I forgave Lucy so quickly, but haven't even spoken to Charlie.

I walk over to my vanity, glancing at my appearance in the mirror.

I quickly drag the brush through my hair, flatten the back of my skirt, and make my way to Charlie's dorm.

I reach his door and exhale deeply.

Truthfully, I wasn't entirely sure why I had been mad at him earlier. Lucy, yes. But Charlie...

I force myself to knock, mentally preparing for him to be angry or upset with me.

"Hey, Meeks." I say as I'm greeted with his tired frame, book in one hand while holding the door open with the other.

"Hi, Violet." He smiles, hesitating slightly before continuing,

"Charlie's not here right now."

"Oh?" I question. It's not entirely unusual for Charlie to leave Welton when he's stressed- as it is (as he says) the cause of said stress, but it is very unusual for him not to come and see me beforehand.

Meeks smiles sympathetically at me before continuing, "when he gets back, I'll tell him you stopped by."

"Thanks, Meeks," I say, turning on my heel and leaving to meet Lucy.


"What's wrong?" Lucy asks Charlie as he sat across from her in the booth, slowly stirring the straw in his milkshake.

"It's nothing." Charlie says, an attempt to dodge Lucy's questions.

"Tell me," Lucy whines, causing Charlie to hesitate before ultimately giving in.

"I feel horrible. I should have gone to check on her after she left, I should've knocked on her door. I should be there now... instead of here with you." His voice becomes soft and low as he says the last part.

"Look, Violet just needs time and space." Lucy says, emphasizing the last word.

Charlie nods slowly.

"I just- I don't even know what's upset her. What kind of boyfriend does that make me?" Charlie states rhetorically.

"If you ask me..." Lucy begins, placing her hands gently atop Charlie's, before continuing;

"-a pretty damn good one." 

A small smile appears on Charlie's face, as he removes his hands from beneath Lucy's and takes a sip of his drink.

Lucy's face falls for a brief second, before she spots Violet approaching the diner door from the dimly lit street.

She places her hands flat on the table, leaning forward with all her weight.

She inches forward, closer and closer to Charlie, whose head is currently hung in deep thought over his cup.

"Charlie" she whispers seductively, causing his head to snap towards hers.

Just as his eyes reach hers, she places her hand on his shoulders for balance, leaning across the table on her tip toes, she places a gentle and soft kiss on his lips.

"Lucy I can't-" Charlie begins, pulling away, before he's cut off mid sentence by a loud gasp beside him.

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