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Charlie's POV

I swing my legs lazily over the edge of my bed. My gaze clinging to the thick snowflakes, falling slowly atop the white fields.

Although I hadn't been in a relationship—of which could be defined as serious—prior to now, I never anticipated for it to be so difficult—yet rewarding, all at once.

Being with Violet just felt right.

It hadn't been the obvious things that made me fall for her.

It was the way her nose would crinkle at the dumb things I'd say, or they way she would incessantly chew on the end of her pencil before a nerve-wracking test. It was her smile and her laugh, and they way her cheeks would develop a bright crimson tint before saying 'I love you.'

The howling wind continued to toss the heavy flakes of snow outside my window.

"Not going tonight?" Neil asks, peeling my gaze from the storm. He pushes himself off his previous leaning position in the doorway, stepping inside and sitting on the spare bed across from me.

"Don't feel up to it," I answer half truthfully. I had never been one to shy away from parties, but after the fight today, I felt entirely uncomfortable with the prospect of attending one.

However, with the recent knowledge of who will be accompanying Violet tonight, I had half a mind to leap towards the door.

"Who are you and what have you done with Charlie?" Neil asks playfully, a smile gracing his lips, as I continue to mindlessly play with the edge of the duvet.

"I guess... I've changed," I answer earnestly, a hint of sadness laced in my tone— of which I failed to conceal.

In many ways I had.

I focused on school more, my future suddenly becoming brighter, alongside my optimism. It was something I now looked forward to, as opposed to the person who would shy away from any discussion even remotely surrounding the topic.

"She's good for you," Neil concludes, chalking up my recent achievements to Violet. Although, I couldn't quite say I disagreed.

In the simplest of explanations, she gave my life more purpose, more meaning. I wanted to do better for her, be better.

Suddenly, Violet saunters into the— thankfully now silentroom.

The light clicking of her heels matched the rhythm of which my heart was beating. Her hair fell loosely around her shoulders, her cheeks held a glowing rouge, and her slightly parted lips had a glossy sheen. She looked absolutely breathtaking.

My gaze caught hers, and in that instant my breath caught in my throat. Her inner beauty radiated, lighting her eyes, and softening her features.

"Charlie?" She spoke bashfully, an innocent blush creeping onto her already-tinted cheeks. God, how could someone be so cute?

"You look beautiful," I comment earnestly, completely disregarding whatever conversation her and Neil had been engaged in.

She smiles, the kind of smile of which you couldn't help but smile alongside her.

"Thanks," she mutters lowly, presumably shy under Neil's fatherly gaze.

"I just wanted to say goodbye," she says kindly, stepping towards Neil, who gladly embraces her in a friendly hug.

Neil and Vi had become incredibly close. They were equally each other's best friend. Virtually inseparable, even amidst my playful nagging. Though, she remains rather close with Knox, Todd, and the other boys, Neil and her had formed a different kind of friendship. I can't imagine what they would do without one another.

I stand from the bed, my arms quickly and eagerly, engulfing her frame.

"You sure you don't want to come?" She asks for the final time, her tone almost pleading, as she extends her bottom lip to form a pout.

Against my better judgment— and probably all logicI decline.

"Ok then," she pouts, pulling he bottom lip into her teeth, "see you later."

She lazily waves towards Neil and I— once an impatient Knox had eagerly come to collect her from the dorm.

"You are dumber than I have ever cared to admit," Neil spoke, his tone not quite bitter, yet not entirely playful either.

"Hmm?" I hum, slightly dumbfounded by his words.
Though, it wasn't entirely unlike Neil to unapologetically tell his friends when he believed them to be in the wrong.

"You're sulking that she is going to this party, but refuse to do anything to stop this—" Neil pauses for a moment, before continuing.

"Self pity."

I huff, kicking the shoes off my feet, and swinging my legs atop the duvet.

"It's not pity," I clarify— earning an exaggerated sigh, accompanied by an equally exaggerated eye roll, from Neil.

"It's justthere's this guy who might as well have been drooling over her in front of me," I begin cautiously reading Neil's features.

"So— you're jealous." Neil's frown breaks into a teasing smile, clearly amused by my misfortune. 

"I am not jealous!" I add quickly— all too quickly at that.

"Are to!" Neil laughs, jumping from the bed and raising to his feet.

"Go do something about it, slick," Neil chuckles, slowly walking towards his room.

With Neil's words still echoing in my mind, I hurriedly snatch my coat that lay across the dark wooden desk chair, throwing it hastily around my shoulders, as I head towards the party.

A/N: soooo sorry for taking this long to update :(
I'm back in school so my updates are a little slower 
ps/ the next chapter is a filler, then the chapter after that there's some drama !!

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