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Harizay was with bhabhi when hazil came there.

"Can I borrow my wife for a minute.?"

Hazil askhed shumaila.

Harizay had her back towards him , she signaled bhabhi to said No because She didn't want to face him.

But bhabhi didn't do it.

"Yes,why not.? Go Harizay."

Hazil hold her hand and she followed him as she didn't want to create any scene here in the presence of all the relatives.

Harizay looked at him when she heard a clicking sound.

Oh no.!!! They were infront of a room and hazil was opening its door.

"Hazil no.,!!!"

Harizay said and tried to free her hand which he was holding.

But in a minute they both were inside the room and hazil locked the door.

"Harizay you are looking so beautiful in this dress."

Hazil said while embracing her.

Harizay didn't protest and let him hug her.

"You don't know how much difficult is it for me to control myself."

He said and hold her chin.

His one hand was around her waist and other was holding her chin.

And during all this time she just looked at his face,there was a question in her mind that was irking her but she was afraid of his answer.

She closed her eyes when she felt his lips on her forehead then on her temple,cheek,chin,nose.

Harizay placed her hand on his lips because she knows what was coming next.

"I have a question and i want it's honest reply from you."

Harizay said breathlessly.

He nodded and she removed her hand.

"Ask quickly."

Hazil said impatiently.

"How this idea came to your mind.?"

Harizay asked and looked in his eyes.

"What idea.?"

"To sing a song for me infront of everyone."

"I thought to use the same method to express my feelings which you used for me."

Hazil said and pecked her nose.

So she was thinking right,he knew about her feelings.

"You knew that i had feelings for you at that time....I was so stupid to think that you have no idea about it."

Harizay said and pushed him away.

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