Bonus Chapter (PAST)

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Neither was she his woman nor was he her man.

Then what's the meaning of this.?

Is he mocking her.?

Or is it his new way to hurt her.?

At this tears started collecting in her eyes.But she didn't let them fall.

Not anymore.

She promised herself long time ago that she will not cry for this man anymore.

She will not love him.

She will not think about him.

She will not let him hurt her .

So she blinked  and looked at him .

"Harizay Muneeb..,,,My name is Harizay Muneeb."

She said sternly .

"Are you sure Mrs hussain.?"

His tone was serious but there was a smile on his lips , that vanished when he noticed her face.

Her face held misery.

"Are you alright Harizay.?"

He asked as he tried to read her.

At which she shook her head.

Indeed she was not right.

How can she be right.?

" What happen to you .? Tell me."

"I ....i want to go ...."

"Huh.? "

Hazil asked as he didn't understand her.

He was asking her what happened to her and she  replied that she wanted to go.

"I am not feeling well.I want to rest .I want to go to my room."

Harizay explained when she saw him looking at her face .


He said as he left her hand and moved from her way.

It took her few seconds to left his room.

He looked at the place where she was standing few moments ago.

"Harizay Muneeb..,,,My name is Harizay Muneeb."

He recalled what she said.

Did she...


She didn't said anything at the time of our nikkah,it was only me who was against it .

And I clearly remembered that how many times she tried to persuade me after our nikkah.

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