Chapter 20 (Proposal & The Billionaire's Ex Wife)

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Jake's POV

   The huge pile of files sat on my desk. It's been four weeks since me and Sophia returned from Hong Kong. We've been dating ever since that. Gabriel loved her instantly when I brought her home. Suddenly a knock came on the door.

"Come in!" I yelled.

The door opened revealing Sophia wearing a sexy red V line dress.

"I hope I'm not interrupting your work?" Sophia took a seat in front me.

"Well you came a bit early for the date but that's cool." I said checking my watch.

"Oh." She whispered dropping her gaze. The awkward silence was getting to me so I decided to speak.

"You look beautiful." I smiled she hid her face from mine trying to hide her blush.

"You think so?" She avoided my gaze.

"Your so cute when you blush." I rose from my seat and head to her.

"Stop teasing me!" Sophia whined. I took her hands, gently pulling her you.

"Let's go!" I yelled pulling her like a kid getting to go out for ice-cream.

    We took the elevator down, walk through the crowd of jealous employees and to my car. We drove to P'SJL restaurant. It was one of the most expensive restaurant in the city.

"Do you have reservations sir?" The security guard asked holding a checking board.

"Jake Marshall and Sophia Johnson."I stated. The man checked the board then called a waiter. He whispered something in his ears.

"Follow me please." The waiter walked off with us following behind him. We took the elevator to the roof which was first class with 6 people inside at the moment. We then walked to the table for two.

"Wow!" Sophia beamed at the beautiful view in front her while she sat down.

"You like?" I smirked. She nodded.

"It's so beautiful!"

"Not as beautiful as you."

"That's so cheesy." Sophia giggled.

"And that's so mean!" My face fell to a frown. She grinned.

   We both took up our menu board and scanned through it. We both placed our order the same time. The waiter came back fast with the food. We ate in comfortable silence.

"What did your parents say about the trip to Hong Kong?" I started up a conversation.

"They were excited because they wanted the house for their self." Sophia shifted in her seat.

"May I?" I stood taking her hand. She nodded.

    Making our way to the dance floor we moved to the song.

"Wow! Your good!"

"Years of dance class." I fill her in.

"Teach me some day." Sophia smiled. I could stop blushing.

"Will do."

         Other people joined us on the dance floor. The dancing got heated as the DJ kept changing the music. I'm guessing that the others got tired because they soon went back to their chairs.

       We soon we're the only people on the dance floor dancing to the music. Five words from her that caught me off guard.

"I'm pregnant with your baby." She blurted out.

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