Chapter 11 - Encounter with rebellious leader

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Meanwhile, Eir was completely lost on the opposite end of the road with Sylvina. 

  "Huh, maybe Almar was right about which way we should go," Eir thought to herself. 

  "Don't worry, human has Eira... they should be just fine," Sylvina said cheerfully, trying to cheer her up. 

  "But what if he's lost, just like us?" Eir said and looked down at the bag. 

  "Human can be a drama queen sometimes but he will be fine. I mean he has protected me and my sister all on his own for many years," Sylvina said and popped her head out of the bag. 

  "Yeah, you're probably right Sylvina, thanks for trying to cheer me up!" Eir said and pet Sylvina's beak with a smile. 

  "Are you lost, lady?" a deep, husky voice called out to her. Eir turned around to see who it belonged to. 

There, in front of her, stood a tall male elf with long black hair that was flowing in the light breeze. He stood leaned against a tree, staring at her with his clear blue-grey eyes. He wore a shining silver armor and from his broad shoulders fell a long dark-blue cape. Around his waist were a black leather belt with a long silver sword, hanging from it in a sheath. Eir found him to be quite good-looking.

She thought his whole aura made him appear to be really reliable and trustworthy. 

  "Ooh! Handsome and cool! He looks reliable. Maybe he can help?" Sylvina suggested, whispering quietly from inside the bag. Eir agreed with her. 

  "Yes I am quite lost. Would you be willing to help me?" Eir asked, looking at the male elf. 

  "What seems to be the problem?" he gave her a short answer but it was accompanied by a warm little smile, implying that he cared. 

  "Well you see, me and my friend got away from each other... Urgh! It's so stupid, but we fought about which was the right way..." Eir explained to him, looking disheartened. 

  "I see, which way did your friend go?" he asked, again, in brief words. 

  "Umm... " Eir looked around the area, "It's no use! I'm so lost I don't even know which way I came from myself," Eir said, looking around with a confused expression. 

  "Don't worry, I'm an excellent tracker. I'll help," he simply said. 

  "Thank you so much! That would be so helpful!" Eir said, lighting up with happiness. 

  "No problem. I'm always willing to help fellow elfs," he replied as he immediately got down on his knees next to were Eir was standing, observing her footsteps. "Hmm," he uttered, deep in thought. 

It was then silent. He didn't speak much and from their conversation before, Eir could tell that he was a man of few words. Eir found this silence a little awkward but she didn't know how to break it. After all, they were just strangers who didn't have much to talk about.

It was then that Eir noticed a strange symbol on his right arm. It depicted a dragon silhouette surrounded in flames coming out from its mouth. It was glowing, almost as if the flames where alive. 

  "What's that on your arm?" Eir asked, observing the symbol with a curious look on her face. 

The male elf turned his attention to his symbol and quickly went rather pale. 

  "Oh! My friend's in danger, I have to go. Sorry but I'll come back," the male elf said, quickly got up on his feet and started running. 

  "Eh-I'll come with you!" Eir said and ran after him. 

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