Yandere!Peko x Fem!Reader

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This will contain:
-Yandere Peko
-The death of our favorite boss baby
Yeah that's all that I can think of.
Great. Trapped on an island and told to kill each other. You knew better than to be just trusting. However, there was one girl you liked and trusted. Her name was Peko Pekoyama. She hung out with Fuyuhiko Kuzuruyu who was... he didn't seem to mind you.

"(Y/n)!" You turned your head around to see Peko running towards you, "I- I have something I wanna show you!"

She sounded out of breath, as if she'd found this amazing thing and thought she immediately thought of you. You blushed slightly at that thought.

It was a nice secluded area in the beach, with small, pretty rock pools, pretty bright red flowers and there was a slight, pleasant breeze.

"Wow Peko! This is... This is so pretty and so nice!" you turned to face the grey haired female.

"Re-really?! You like it?" She looked shocked for some reason.

"Of course!"

"W-we'll I'm glad. I thought that this place would be nice to... spend some time away from everyone together...

Peko has turned to stare at the sunset instead of you. Was she...? No... it must be light.

The first class trial had passed and Nagito was now chained up in the old hotel. You'd never liked him anyway. He always seemed....weird to you.

"(Y/n), don't worry about it," Peko was smiling and had her hand on your shoulder, " If anyone ever tries to hurt you, I'll keep them away."

You smiled back at her. Of course fear was starting to eat you a little bit after the first two deaths but mostly, you were OK. Especially around the Ultimate Swordswoman, your closest friend on this island of lunatics.

"Thanks Peko. Oh! I found something for you!"

You grabbed Peko and pulled her towards your cabin. When you got there you unlocked the door, letting her in and grabbed something under your bed.

"Here!" You thrusted a white, fluffy teddy bear into Peko's arms.

"I-I umm..." She stared at the fluffy thing while blushing, "Th-thank you! It's so pretty!"

She hugged you tightly, burying her head in your neck. You hugged her back, holding her tightly as well.

Knock. Knock.

"(Y/n)!" It was Fuyuhiko, "Have you seen Peko?"

You released your friend before answering the door, " Yeah, she's in here. Sorry I didn't know you were looking for her."

"N-nah... It's cool (Y/n). D-don't worry about it," he was holding his tie and blushing slightly.

Peko's POV

"Hey, Peko. I-I think I like someone."



He likes her as well. That's not... He can't. I like them. They're mine. Mine. Mine.

Your POV

"Fuyuhiko told me too. It was him. He ordered me to kill Mahiru."

"I-I...P-Pe-ko...I-I'm..." Fuyuhiko's voice cracked as his eyes began to sparkle.

"He...he thought I would take the blame for it but... He's the real murderer," Peko looked pained at the fact that her companion had done such a thing.

"Alrrrright everyone! It's time to cast your votes! And the winner is..... Fuyuhiko Kuzuruyu! Corrrrect! Now to begin his Punishment! Upupupup!"

Peko had grabbed your hand during "Best Battle" (aka Fuyuhiko's unused execution) and squeezed tightly. You let her. You knew she would be sad and....

Peko stayed with you for as long as she could after Fuyuhiko's death. She would take you around the new island and would sit with you in the secluded beach area. Until one day her aura changed.

"(Y/n)...I-I think I like you. As in... I want to date you."

"Uh...I...I..." You had no idea how to respond.

Peko took a step closer to you, "(Y/n). I... I've liked you for a while. I...Fuyuhiko liked you too but... I couldn't have that. I wanted you all to myself so I didn't take the blame for him. I'm sorry," you hadn't realized how lose she had gotten to you, "I'm sorry but I had to. And I will kill anyone else who wants to get in the way of us. Okay?" You wanted to take a step back but she pulled you into one of her hugs, "The flowers around here are pretty. They smell the same as your hair," Peko ran her hand through your hair before she released you and grabbed a flower.

She placed one behind your ear before picking another and putting it in her hair. She stood up and kissed you quickly.

"I think we look

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