Yandere!Kokichi x Fem!reader

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You knew two things about the purple monster.

1) He lied. A lot.
2) He. Is. Very. Annoying.

"Hey there (Y/n)!!!!!!!"

You sighed. Obviously and loudly. You were trying to read. Why did he have to bother you now? You chose to ignore him and continue reading,

"(Y/n)-chan..." he poked your cheek, your eyes not wavering from the line you were reading, "(Y/n).... it's rude to ignore people. Hey (Y/n)! Hey!" He continued yelling at you.

Yet still, your eyes did not flicker from your book. Even when he waved his hand in front of you.

"(Y/n)-chan's mean... I just wanna talk to you! I bet I'm wayyyyyy more interesting than your book too," he leaned into your ear, " I bet I'm way better in bed too."

You promptly stood up at that, slamming your book shut before striding back towards the academy to go somewhere else. Maybe your lab, maybe just sit with someone else.

"Awwww, (Y/n)-Chan! You're no fun."

The purple haired boy huffed but seemed to make no attempt to follow you as you walked towards the large stone building. Where you were heading, you didn't really know. Probably either to Gonta or Kaito. Or your own Ultimate lab. Your lab was filled with wonderful books and soft, comfortable chairs and tea. Lots of tea and books. The perfect place.

However, your thoughts were interrupted as you walked into something.

"Wow, (Y/n)! Watch where you're going!" You looked up to meet the astronaut you'd contemplated meeting.

"Kaito! I'm sorry, I was just in deep thought.." you looked down, embarrassed for nearly into the excitable male.

"No, no! It's fine! I just meant...... Err..uhhh... Anyways, do you want to hang out for awhile?"

You looked up at Kaito, he'd asked you'd had a chance to, "Yes! That sounds wonderful. Thank you Kaito!"

Unaware of the glaring eyes, you and Kaito walked away laughing at each other.

You felt uneasy. It had been a long time since the last murder and you were scared that something else might happen. That someone else would kill. You didn't want to think that but in this situation... could you really think anything else? However sitting worrying alone in your room wasn't real going to help. So you decided to go see someone you'd became fairly close with.

You opened your door and walked over to the stairs in the dormitory and up them towards the door with the pixelated astronaut. You knocked quietly on the blue door, trying not to wake up, when the door opened slightly.


Surely it was too late for him to be at training? And even if he was, his door should be closed, right?

You gave it a push, calling out for him again, louder, "Kaito...! Are you... can I come in?"

You took a small step into the room. You were shaking as you continued to walk to your friend's room. You finally got far enough to see the nearly the whole room.

It was completely empty.


"Do you really like him that much?"

A voice from behind you asked, spitting the word "him".

Before you could turn around, two arms around you, one pressing a cloth to your mouth.

"I hope you say goodbye then (Y/n)-chan~"

Opening your eyes did not seem to help you in this situation. A blindfold sat neatly over your eyes and your hands were tied behind your back meaning you couldn't remove it.

"Ah! You're moving! She's that mean you're awake now (Y/n)-chan! I'm glad, it was getting quite boring just staring at you sleeping..."

You shuddered at the thought of him just watching you as you were passed out.

"Well, anyways~now that you are awake, let's

Yandere! Danganronpa x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now